Since DXVK has the potential of having massive updates with each release, Lutris should have a method of updating the version of DXVK used by the runtime. The version included with Lutris is already out of date, requiring a manual update.
That is indeed the main focus for the upcoming release.
I shamelessly link to my opened thread that may give some thoughts about handling it: How frequent is DXVK getting updated?
I have DXVK install and running. I would like to see some threads detailing how to configure the Wine Prefixs … ?
Captain, when I get a chance I will do a write up on manually setting up a wine prefix in order to get it to run certain games.
The best choice for this would probably be Fallout 4 as it requires a certain version of wine as well as manually updating some DLL overrides to get audio working properly in the game (audio issues affect some users and not others, so it is a good one to work with).
There are also a few great video tutorials created by cxf and other users.
Thanks for the reply! I guess separate gaming wineprefixs will be the best way to run many windows based games on Linux. Especially for games which have different gaming engines. Interesting DXVK configurations and other helpful tips below!
The Witcher 3 - DXVK status and HOW TO GET IT WORKING || Wine-staging 3.4 + DXVK
How to use Wine ·· #7 ·· winetricks
FFXIV + Arch Linux + wine-staging 2.4 works beautifully
The latest Lutris 4.17 build comes with a dropdown menu to select whatever dxvk version you wish.
It is available on Arch AUR just now, not sure about other distros.