Star Trek Starfleet Command III

Good luck sir!

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Has anyone been able to get this to run at 2560x1440?

I installed the 3.3 mod last night with the CD version using the Win10 install script from @tfk. Unfortunately, the game screen was cutoff at different points, depending on which resolution I tried. I must be missing something, since I can’t even get the mod to work at 1024x768. Does it work with the GOG version?

I’m now on my laptop which works at 1080p. Can’t go higher for the moment. The GOG version uses a patch 1.1 and an AMD patch. Those patches can be found on the web. GOG just bundled them to make it work for Windows 10 users and we Linuxers are riding along on this bandwagon.

This thread started once when the GOG version wasn’t available yet. And we used the version from and patched it with a patch which was probably listed there.

If you want to mimic the GOG version I would recommend using the same patches as they are using.

This is what GOG installs:

The RDNA fix does not show cursor at all on my side. Any fix for this ??? the prefix works as you said thanks.

I installed only this and it seems to include this fix. I’m still investigating why the offset cursor was fixed after a reboot. It is visible though.

Funny thing is that I saw this missing cursor issue when testing other old games.


For this game I found this post which is interesting. Someone running it in a virtual machine. There is a cursors.txt file this user renamed which switched the cursor to a stock variant. Maybe it is rendered by the game engine and renaming this file bypasses this rendering?

I am looking for almost 2 hours “again” to fix this game…i spend to many time onto this one again. GoG release is crap, launch version worked but i had the error as said yesterday. Then gog released the amd patch which broke my game and the rna fixed it again but removed the cursor…i am tired of this game already. Even if i would get it fixed i already hate it duo all these problems in linux.

The above solution i also tried and did not work…i even tried to download a crack to see if it would be a exe problem which it is not.

I am a nvidia user by the way

Yep, resurrecting old games is a totally different ballgame altogether. For me its a game in itself. But I can see that its a bit frustrating for users who just want to play.

We Linuxers are not alone in this. Take a look at this. Most of those posts are from Windows users.

Another comment section with a few frustrated users:

More current games are much more straight forward because they all use common and mostly current DirectX apis. With these games we have to deal with very old versions of DirectX, 3Dfx, etc.

On my laptop I’m a NVidia user too. I run this game on my 3050. I only ran the default installer BTW. No manually installed patches. I did do a clean install of the game with each test though. Why the mouse cursor chose to work all of a sudden is still a bit of a mystery.

Got it finally to work. I renamed the .wine folder so lutris could recreate a new one. I downloaded the d3dxof using winetricks. I changed the runner in Lutris to use it’s own (system 6.0.2), this fixes the mouse 10 cm away from target. I ran the game and my mouse problem is gone.

Yay! So its the WINE version used which is responsible for the offset cursor…

This is my config:

Its using the default lutris-fshack-6.21-x86_64 version of WINE. Maybe my custom setting under System (Enable NVidia Prime Render offload) steers WINE in another direction?

So to summarize, installing the d3dxof winetrick (now done via the installer script) and choosing a different WINE version in case the mouse cursor is offset should make this game work…

Yes, If i use the settings from my post everything is working great. If i select the Wine-7.0rc3-GE-1 my cursor is 10 cm away again. I even have the mouse of track using your version lutris-fshack-6.21-x86_64 :joy:. This game is so weird.

Ow the list of weird games is vast. I have the dosbox version of The Need for Speed working but the Windows version? Woof. But then again, that game is even troublesome on my Windows 98 SE system from 1998…

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Well all i know is that the first gog version of this game had zero issues for me, but since they released fixes either the menu is broken or i lost the mouse. The first release worked great, i could even use different runners.

They release fixes for Windows users. We Linuxers have to deal with them. :slight_smile: Although, Windows users can have issues too. These are old games…

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Hey @tfk, Either my searchfu has failed me or I’m having a senior moment. Can you point me to where the 1.1 and AMD patches are on the web?

I only have the CD version, and would like to see if I can get it working at high res and/or with the 3.3 mod.

I have another update! this time i managed to get the wine version running with GE and fshack

  1. Install the gog installer (rdna one)

  2. Follow the instructions here for wintricks

  3. Add the game to Lutris with these settings

  4. Go to the installation directory and hit dxcfg.exe

  5. Change the settings to this

  6. Save the file

  7. Run the game and you notice the mouse is not off track + the game is full screen. The mouse is gone in the pictures below but i assure you the mouse is there in game :D.

OS: Pop!_OS 21.10 impish
Arch: x86_64
Kernel: 5.15.11-76051511-generic
Desktop: pop:GNOME
Display Server: x11

Vendor: GenuineIntel
Model: Intel(R) Core™ i7-7700HQ CPU @ 2.80GHz
Physical cores: 4
Logical cores: 8

RAM: 31.3 GB
Swap: 4.0 GB

Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
OpenGL Renderer: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070/PCIe/SSE2
OpenGL Version: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 510.39.01
OpenGL Core: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 510.39.01
OpenGL ES: OpenGL ES 3.2 NVIDIA 510.39.01
Vulkan: Supported

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I believe GOG just uses the 534 patch as it is called on

But it is listed as archived there. I think this is because everyone is using the all in one mod which has also some mods included which were added over the years.

That’s also the one which we used at the beginning of this thread (a few miles scrolling upwards). I think this mod can be installed over the GOG version but I need to test it. I had it working for the CD version I originally got from

[quote=“tfk, post:48, topic:8878”]

The image above shows three downloads.

The first, at 580MB, seems to be the game including the 534 patch.
Patch (1.01.534 AMD hotfix to 1.01.534 RDNA fix) is listed at 3 MB.
Patch (1.01.534 AMD hotfix to 1.01.534 AMD hotfix) is listed at 4 MB.

Perhaps I’m confused. I assume the first includes the last official 534b patch?

I’m looking for the other two patches (at 3 MB & 4 MB) to see what they do and if I need them.

I think they are included as the version in the description is exactly the same in both the installer and the patch. And the patch is listed as amd fix to rdna fix.

So amd fix → rdna fix → installer.

That’s how I read it.

Yeah, I found the descriptions unclear at best. Thanks for your take on it.

First release from gog, glow is there (had the installer saved on my drive)

With AMD and RDNA fix, glow is gone

All i needed to do was to install the d3dxof, with the other 2 patches applied my game is useless and wont even startup normally (yes the mouse is back but after a few hours the mouse is gone again). I tried a different application like Bottles, there i can’t even run the RDNA version because it says it cannot draw the glow.