[Solved] Overwatch exits during gameplay

@Asudem thanks for the heads up I get it now.

@Synthkrieg I once got a crash during the end game stats screen and also during the main menu but I can’t confirm the main menu one because I left the game on for like 1 hour at the main menu and when I came back the game was gone. Since I didn’t see that personally I can’t confirm it but worth mentioning.

Also I got a play session for around 2-3 with 6.8 tkg but the thing crashed the other day. I don’t think 6.8 tkg delays the crash. We are just lucky to trigger it late.

Can anyone make sense of the coredumps or the game crash logs (if it generates one, I don’t think it does generate in this case). Or maybe Wine logs or DXVK logs? I didn’t find anything useful out of mine.

Hey, I am on Manajro. OW is crashing for me as well. I didn’t even play the game. I was in queue for quick play. I had Second crash in middle of fight. I am newbie. I can help but just tell me where to grab logs or some useful information. I am running OW on lutris 6.4

          PID: 38787 (Overwatch.exe)
           UID: 1000 (ondra)
           GID: 1000 (ondra)
        Signal: 11 (SEGV)
     Timestamp: Mon 2021-05-17 20:19:57 CEST (11min ago)
  Command Line: C:/Overwatch/_retail_/Overwatch.exe -uid prometheus
    Executable: /home/ondra/.local/share/lutris/runners/wine/lutris-6.4-x86_64/bin/wine64-preloader
 Control Group: /user.slice/user-1000.slice/user@1000.service/app.slice/app-net.lutris.Lutris-ee2864b9703b4d39b4f0956c67ad8e22.scope
          Unit: user@1000.service
     User Unit: app-net.lutris.Lutris-ee2864b9703b4d39b4f0956c67ad8e22.scope
         Slice: user-1000.slice
     Owner UID: 1000 (ondra)
       Boot ID: 4d8359570a95497ba0292e9d41dc7884
    Machine ID: 559db0a997684a01bcb72ebd1eb5d07a
      Hostname: ondra-pc
       Storage: /var/lib/systemd/coredump/core.Overwatch\x2eexe.1000.4d8359570a95497ba0292e9d41dc7884.38787.1621275597000000.zst (truncated)
       Message: Process 38787 (Overwatch.exe) of user 1000 dumped core.
                Stack trace of thread 38882:
                #0  0x00007f38b415e2bf n/a (n/a + 0x0)
                #1  0x0000000000000000 n/a (n/a + 0x0)
Refusing to dump core to tty (use shell redirection or specify --output).

Game froze on me after around 20 minutes in the menus.

Has anyone seen any issues of this brought to developers anywhere on any WINE repos? I guess technically since we have no information to report with the issue there’s nothing they could theoretically work on. I realize the Lutris forms are a peer support group, so no devs are going to see what we post here. I just feel like we’re all staring at the same brick wall with no idea how to progress.

I switched to the following and have played for upwards of 12 hours without a crash. It took some work to get it to set up, since it didn’t want to reinitialize right away, but these settings aren’t crashing for me. But have some minor performance hits, still very playable.
DXVK 1.8.1L
Lutris Wine 5.7-11

Anyone here survive the massive ban sweep?

I’m perma banned. :c send help. My appeal is sent out, but I’m very concerned.

Me too. I had a feeling this was the case. Ugh.

To be honest, I’m glad I’m not the only one. Hopefully there’s enough that they take notice and fix it.

:grimacing: Not entirely sure they’d do that but here’s my 0.01% chance of hope…

Got banned tonight as well. Sent out my appeal. Let’s hope for the best.

I got also banned (– during an overwhelming win on Volkskaya Industries and 5:19min left… :crying_cat_face: ).

This forums post (https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/can-we-get-banned-for-playing-on-linux/70929/4) from Blizzard got my hopes up and I recall that Linux gamers were unbanned after the lasts ban wave 2 years ago. Good luck everybody :slight_smile:

Edit: I was unbanned. My appeal was initially rejected, but I received an eMail just now with the unban notice. One and a half day banned seems acceptable. Not perfect, but fine.


I for one wasn’t banned. Sorry you guys have to deal with that. Hope it’s fixable.
I’m sharing so you know this doesn’t affect all of us who’ve had these crashing issues.

Since my early posts in this thread I’ve been and am still playing happily with lutris-5.7-11-x86_64 and dxvk v1.7.1L. Neither my main nor my recently created second account are banned.


I am also using 5.7-11 but with DXVK 1.8.1L. I am also not banned and just played a few comp games last night too. I am kinda new to Overwatch and when I looked at the older posts about Overwatch and running it through Wine, usually bans gets lifted off. Hopefully you are honest about your claims and good luck out there!

My ban appeal has just been updated stating it was a false positive, and the ban has been removed. I wish the same to you all!


I also got the apology email + lifted ban eventually. First ban appeal was denied by their support, who politely informed me that they’ve checked my account for false positives but that their initial findings were correct, and that the ban would remain. I re-opened the support ticket but it was never responded to or closed, so I assume the ban reversal was done by some other entity than the support department.

It seems like everybody who was banned (that I know of) were using 5.7-11 but it also didn’t affect everybody using this version. Blizzard will obviously not tell us what caused it or if they’ve done anything to prevent this happening again in the future, but I would feel a lot safer if we could get some educated guesses regarding any combination of versions etc. that makes it more or less likely to be falsely flagged in coming ban waves… I’m not trusting Blizzard support to properly spot false reports against Wine users

Did anyone using wine 6.x get banned and subsequently unbanned in this wave?

Those of you using 5.7-11 and were not banned, did you downgrade to this version because Overwatch crash to desktop or was there some other reason? Are you using 5.7-11 from Lutris or did you get it from somewhere else?

I was not banned; I’ve been mostly using Wine 5.7-11 and DXVK 1.8.1L, both the official versions straight from Lutris. I played for a while on 6.0 while testing different DXVK versions, then downgraded to avoid the crashes after getting a warning that leaving more games would lead to a penalty.

My theory regarding the ban and following unban is, that Blizzard tunes their anti-cheat based on Linux user feedback.

E.g. they changed their cheat detection over the last year/months and after they were confident about the results, they made the changes live. Naturally, Blizzard does not test their anti-cheat as much with Linux, so some of us were banned.
With this giant sample size, they received many ban appeals from Linux players and took the overlap to tweak their anti-cheat accordingly to unban us.

Basically, we can’t do much because there are so many different systems that some linux gamer will get banned. Now their anti-cheat is correctly tweaked again and we are fine.

That’s at least what I came up with.

Hello lets put the banning problem aside and focus on the crashing issue again. Lutris seems to released a updated Wine build 6.1-3 which mentions some Overwatch related changes also Lutris Overwatch installer script seems to be updated as well. Can someone test and see if the game crashes? I will not be able to test it for long hours for a few days.

I just crashed with a new Overwatch install through Lutris (copied the Overwatch folder) and the default settings. The install was one hour ago.