[Solved] Overwatch exits during gameplay

Wine-tkg 6.8 still crashes. So I guess we will have to stick with 5.7-11 still.

@Awsim I’ve switched from Lutris 5.7-11 to Wine-tkg 5.22r2 and it seems to be working. Anything below 6.0 appears to work I guess.

@Asudem how does performance compare to Lutris 5.7-11? And does in-game voice communication work out of the box with Wine-tkg 5.22r2?

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6.8-tkg, crashed within an hour.

@Awsim It works considerably better in my opinion. If comms don’t work, like I said up here just switch your Lutris audio driver setup.

I’ve been playing under wine-tkg 5.22.r2.g0ae73155 with dxvk v1.7.1L for roughly 10 hours, and I’ve yet to experience any crash. wine-tkg 6.8 worked consistently better than -staging or -ge, but I still had crashes occur every ~1-3 hours.

Past the initial caches buildup, performance under 5.22.r2.g0ae73155 / v1.7.1L is on par with latest, possibly just about 10 FPS lower. I’m still having some stutters but I believe they’re due to what’s left to be cached. No audio/comms issues.

Well, that’s… Good to hear and underwhelming at the same time. I hope it gets eventually fixed in a 6.9 or 6.10 release. I already have a shader cache built, so will try the 5.22-tkg w/ DXVK 1.8.1, at least I won’t have to reboot to WIndows just to play a game.

I mean the game runs ok with 5.7-11 and DXVK (1.7.3) from Lutris. I can get 100-250 FPS depending on the map but I would say I get around 130-150 FPS usually with my Nvidia GTX 1650 TI laptop GPU on the low settings. Performance was of course much more better with 6.x Wine versions but nothing unplayable for me at least.

EDIT: It was misconfiguration that was causing DXVK 1.8.1L not working fixed it.

What/where is the 5.7-11 setting? I’m not finding it in the lutris menus and see it suggested from time to time to change two numbers, not just the dxvk.

I was running without issues or performance drops on 5.22-tkg and DXVK 1.8.1 last night, although only for about 2 hours. I did get very weird semi-constant random stuttering on Horizon Lunar Colony though despite having a shader cache, almost as if Blizzard should remove that map from the game, but I digress. RTX 2070 Super. Still hoping the Wine 6.x series gets a fix though.

Also I install DXVK 1.8.1 by disabling it in Lutris entirely and instead using system winetricks within the game’s wine prefix to install latest DXVK. Not the best method, but at least I know it works. Too lazy to extract everything properly for Lutris. :slight_smile:

@MoonBurst First as in the following screenshot (the top version is third-party and extracted to ~/.local/share/lutris/runners/wine), then you change it in the game’s configuration within Lutris.

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This worked easily enough for me. thanks for the help! I’ll test it for a bit and see if that crashes on me.
EDIT: the 5-7.11 wouldn’t actually run for me. I tried the 6.0-x86_64 and that just crashed for me.

@MoonBurst Try https://github.com/Frogging-Family/wine-tkg-git/releases/tag/5.22.r2.g0ae73155
Download the .tar.zst, extract the usr folder within the archive into the folder I’ve mentioned above (and rename it from usr to anything, I personally copied the archive name, hence why it shows up like that in the screenshot). Then check if it shows up in Lutris and change the game configuration accordingly.

it DOES show up, but it doesn’t want to launch the game. It says Play>Stop>Play but doesn’t actually launch. I might be stuck for a bit on it.

Set output debugging info in game’s runner options to enabled and then check the logs. Could be something like glibc version of wine release higher than system, if it happens with the tkg release.

wine: could not load ntdll.so: /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.32’ not found (required by /home/moonburst/.local/share/lutris/runners/wine/wine-tkg-staging-fsync-git-5.22.r2.g0ae73155-309-x86_64/bin/…/lib32/wine/ntdll.so)
I don’t really know what this is.

Thought so, what distro and version of the glibc package are you running?

PopOS and I don’t know how to check a glibc package. :c
$ ldd --version
ldd (Ubuntu GLIBC 2.31-0ubuntu9.3) 2.31

I’m not familiar with PopOS, but I know it’s Ubuntu-based. glibc version you can check with “ldd --version” in the terminal. That wine tkg release was compiled against glibc 2.32, therefore if your version is lower (likely 2.31 or perhaps even lower) it’s not going to run and you’d have to either compile it from source against your system’s own glibc or update the library, if such update is available. The most recent version is 2.33, but I don’t know how long for does PopOS hold package versions back. Ubuntu 20.10 has version 2.32 available though and the latest PopOS version is based on that, unless you’re running the LTS release, which would make it 20.04 and therefore 2.31.

The package name should be libc6, but I haven’t worked with apt-based distributions for a while (running an Arch-based server and Fedora-based desktop), so I’m not aware of current Ubuntu dependency hell.

Yeah, I’m using 20.04 LTS and seems it has 2.31

This one seems to be the last version precompiled against 2.31, you could try that. Building wine-tkg from source can be a mess if errors pop up, so wouldn’t recommend it (but you can try if you’d want to).