Origin won't open after fresh setup

I used the DXVK version script to install origin, it completed without issues. When I try to run it, an empty desktop window opens with the Origin icon in the top left. I can’t click this icon or do anything else, and after a few seconds the empty desktop closes.

Is there something I needed to do post-script setup that I missed? I know about the Origin updater but I haven’t even gotten Origin to open yet. Thanks!

Side note: I want to install Battlefield 1 as well, so do I need both the Origin script and the Battlefield 1 script?

Right click the launcher and click Confige.

Untick “Windowed (Virtual Desktop)” in Runner Options and in System options tab change “Switch resolution” to “Keep current”.

I have the same problem. It doesn’t work :frowning: i mean, your advice didn’t help. I have Ubuntu 16.04.05

This is still an issue after the most recent update to the install script. I’ve updated Origin via the .sh script provided, and still it closes a few seconds after opening.

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I’d installed “wine” via “apt” of terminal and “origin” launched throught lutris

Information of logs informed to me that i need winemenubildet.exe. I found it in wineconfig -> libraries

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