League of Legends Reconnect Loop

I’m facing the same problem, if someone found out something please comment here :slight_smile:

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Hello, tried to do a Lutris install to collect logs here aswell.

Here is my hardware info:

OS:              GNOME 44 Flatpak runtime
Arch:            x86_64
Kernel:          6.5.6-76060506-generic
Desktop:         pop:GNOME
Display Server:  x11

Vendor:          GenuineIntel
Model:           11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-1135G7 @ 2.40GHz
Physical cores:  4
Logical cores:   8

RAM:             15.5 GB
Swap:            19.5 GB

Vendor:          Intel
OpenGL Renderer: Mesa Intel(R) Xe Graphics (TGL GT2)
OpenGL Version:  4.6 (Compatibility Profile) Mesa 23.1.9 (git-acb5ee278a)
OpenGL Core:     4.6 (Core Profile) Mesa 23.1.9 (git-acb5ee278a)
OpenGL ES:       OpenGL ES 3.2 Mesa 23.1.9 (git-acb5ee278a)
Vulkan Version:  1.3.224
Vulkan Drivers:  Intel(R) Xe Graphics (TGL GT2) (1.3.246)

Here are the lutris logs (Output debugging info to Enabled and lutris -d): https://files.catbox.moe/60l0nt.txt

Hope it can help solve the issue. Can do further testing if needed.

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i’ve already tried change the VKD3D to 2.11 (some people on proton disc apparently get run changing this, idk why), but to me nothing works until now.

wine people is trying to resolve this but nothing yet RIP

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Tried it (was a bit long to setup). It does not change anything on my machine.

I tried it using: Release Version 2.11 · HansKristian-Work/vkd3d-proton · GitHub and not the lutris fork so I had to compress the zst by myself. I don’t think the fork adds anything but the compression format for the releases (I did not see any patch, but maybe I missed something).

“While we don’t (and probably won’t) officially support Linux”

funny how rito refuses to support Linux despite the fact that they support MacOS which has a even lower playerbase

“but there are more LoL players on MacOS than on Linux”

maybe because it’s TOTALLY UNSUPPORTED, the linux community has to do everything just to get the game running, rito doesn’t give the slightest fuck about linux players

however, because Rito’s getting a shit ton of money from China, and that country is willing to ditch microshaft wangblows for linux, we can hope that rito will end up making a linux port of LoL

I’m pretty new to Lutris and have had issues with a couple of games, like Baldur’s Gate 3 yesterday, where rolling back the NVIDIA drivers from 535 to 525 helped, League is the only thing that I’ve hit a total brick wall with :frowning:

Running with the wine version ‘lutris-ge-lol-p8-12-x86_64’ got me into the actual client finally, but changing this like Esync/Fsync/Virtual Desktop etc. doesn’t help from there.

Was it working for you guys before this, like a week ago or so? I wonder if the guy claiming to be a Riot employee uses Lutris for League or is just saying he uses it in general for other games
Has this happened in the past for you guys? What kind of things helped back then? Or could it maybe be a newer update is finally conflicting with the wine runner file or something?

Whatever it is, I hope someone figures something out soon :eyes:
I’ll keep messing with mine day to day, fingers crossed

In regards to the Baldur’s Gate problem you had, it usually has no problems running with steam’s proton. Both experimental and the latest version work for me if you want to try that out.

As for the league problem, assuming what @Dantheman1911 said was correct, the issue is not really on us to fix, as it’s a game-side issue with a file on Riot’s end, so probably adjusting your wine configuration won’t do you a lot of good.

Also, yes, about a week and a half ago league was working without issue on Lutris and it stopped working without any change in configuration, so I’m inclined to believe that it is indeed a server-side issue on Riot’s end.

It was working like a week ago. The problem seems to be that they updated the riot anticheat and that is triggering some problems on wine

I’m in the same situation with League of Legends. Has anyone found a solution? I don’t see any errors in the logs to guide me.

Honestly, since this looks like a mistake on Riot’s part your best bet is probably using Windows until they fix it, you could maybe emulate it

funny how rito refuses to support Linux despite the fact that they support MacOS which has a even lower playerbase

Personal opinion time! Everything in this comment is my personal opinion! I don’t work on the games nor am I in a position to influence them! This is not the official Riot stance, please don’t take it as it is!

I think Linus Torvalds illustrates the issues with developing for Linux when compared to other platforms really well here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pzl1B7nB9Kc

There are a lot of reasons why supporting Linux is a lot more difficult compared to other platforms but I think the most convincing one for me as a software developer is that there is no one Linux target. A lot of projects get around this by distributing source. This works well, because Linux users tend to be more technically inclined.

For obvious reasons, this cannot happen for League or indeed most games. Another option is a distribution platform like Steam which comes with Steam Proton, which involves integrating with Steams ecosystem - and doing so in a half-hearted way just makes you come across as having a bad product (Hi, Ubisoft games within Steam that just launch a Ubisoft launcher!), so that’s a lot of work as well.

Marketshare is definitely a factor, but I think the more concrete reason is that supporting Linux is quite difficult unless you’re willing to hand off a lot of the responsibility of doing that to something like Steam Proton (or Wine, in this case) and have that be your official way of supporting things. As someone who uses Linux as their daily driver, I hope one day that Riot does support Linux as a first-class citizen, but being realistic I don’t think it’s going to happen without significant development toward a more unified standard (as Linus points out in the video I linked above).

This is without opening the can of worms that is anti-cheat on Linux, which makes all of the above problems more complex.


Theres no solution atm

Hello there!

You are spot on with the complications about Linux… as a daily user of Linux myself I understand the challenges. But having said that creating a native port of League is not something unattainable. Lots of major games run natively on Linux and Riot, a multi-billion dollar corporation surely can muster the engineers required to create a native version. Even if they are not inclined now… Linux is present every where from your desktop,laptops to HPC centers and is going nowhere. And with the Steam deck, Linux gaming will only grow. I am from India and they have not released the Steam deck here, imagine the growth they will have if they officially release it here(where people pay double the cost to get a Nintendo switch from the black market). I am not a software engineer, I am a computational scientist so I may be under estimating the true range of technical challenges but investing in Linux seems like a worthwhile endeavor IMHO.

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There are thousands, if not millions of Windows games that run perfectly (sometimes better than in Windows) on Steam Proton. In addition, proton can be used without Steam to run any games and applications that are not in the Steam library. This is not officially supported by Valve, but is not illegal. Lutris also has several proton-based runners. Linux users are usually tech savvy enough to figure out various dependency issues and get the game to run on proton outside of Steam if it can run on proton.
Therefore, it is not at all necessary to officially support Linux and release a native distribution of the game for Linux. It’s enough from Riot to just ensure that every new update works on proton, that’s all. Next, users will figure out how to play their favorite game.

Maybe I’m wrong, but my understanding is that Riot uses some undocumented or rare Windows APIs (or dependencies that use such APIs) which are still not implemented in wine/proton. How else can you explain that most games run identically to Windows on proton, but League of Legends does not?

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Hey, thank you for your comments and I understand your position however I want to address some points.

The fact that there is no “Linux Target,” as you mentioned, is indeed a significant problem. However, the video you referred to is from 2014, and a lot has changed since then. For instance, there are already options—actually, a few—that somewhat solve the problem for a single target, such as Flatpaks, Snaps, and AppImages. Lutris itself is an example that, thanks to these formats, it’s possible to have a good experience. Yes, you still depend on Wine/Proton, but that is something that can be integrated into the “installation process” of the game, similar to how Lutris does it. The tools are there; maybe they need a bit more work, but I don’t think packaging is a problem anymore

With regard of the anti-cheats, there are plenty of game that are actually playable, Apex Legends for example that uses EAT, and Genshin Impact runs completely fine on Linux and is not integrated in the steam ecosystem at all and uses it’s own Anti-Cheat .

I think that right now the Linux ecosystem is ready for the most part to be a first-class citizen. Perhaps I’m overlooking something, and there might be some work to do to make it easier for developers to actively support Linux. However, I think that the lack of “Linux target” as a problem is mostly solved. I hope companies see that and start supporting Linux.


unified standard ? Rito could release a tarball with all the required dependencies, they could release an AppImage or flatpak, pretty much like ANY other linux game is distributed; Valve has been supporting linux officially for decades and their games still work without using wine.

even before the creation of cross distro packages like appimage ore flatpak, many devs ported their games to linux.

releasing the source code has NEVER been mandatory to distribute a program on linux.

there is literally ZERO excuse for a billion dollar company to not support linux officially

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Honestly, I do agree that a linux build would be beneficial to league for quite a number of reasons, but I can imagine that even if the devs think it’s a good idea, if the management team fail to see the point in it, seeing that steam only has a 1.3% playerbase on linux for exemple, it will just not happen.

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I was hoping Riot could hire more people like you and make a small group specifically work on Linux platform.

still more than MacOS and it’s still growing
Rito has ZERO excuse to not support Linux while supporting MacOS

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On Steam yes, but this honestly feels like a copium take. If you were to target a second platform at all, would you rather target the platform with 20% users overall, or the one with 3% (stats from your graphs)? And of course more Linux users will use Steam than MacOS, many Linux users use Steam for non-Steam games as well, whereas Mac users generally don’t need to in the first place, so yeah the people who use Steam as a swiss army knife of general compatibility in addition to controller compatibility (and ease of installation of that) are going to be a bigger demographic on Steam than those who are only on there for the initial intended purpose of the platform.

And the excuse to not support Linux is simple, extra effort and money spent for tiny returns. The investors and boomers in suits at the top don’t care about anything but money, justifying spending money on catering to 3% of the market is a very tough sell, whereas 20% is easier. I’m not saying it’s a good thing, and it seems to me like Mac is only supported because they’re giving in to the sunken cost fallacy, but it’s the excuse that has been used literally always.