How do I use a different browser for flash games?

In that case having it named chap1_v01.swf and being located in game/data subfolder is rather weird…

…If you don’t quote the text you’re responding to, I won’t know what you’re talking about :slight_smile:

Something tells me whatever you were trying here did not work

Yea, I just kinda gave up on that. (blush)

Also, here’s the screenshot of the CLI.


Anything else you need?

Edit: Also, that’s just how the zip file comes, and I just kept the file structure as is.

…If that exact line works as intended, I can’t think of a single reason for it to work differently when run from Lutris. Other than trying to copy-paste the text from console to config to make sure it’s exactly the same (middle mouse button pastes latest selection BTW if you didn’t know), can’t think of anything. Except maybe that you might’ve put an extra whitespace somewhere :slight_smile:

BTW, regarding your system options: you may want to turn “restore gamma on exit” on, and “switch to US layout” off globally. First because most games adjust the gamma for their own needs, second because it’s actually goddamn frustrating as there’s no way to switch back until the game process is terminated (though I guess it makes no difference if you have only US layout).
“Disable Lutris runtime” helps with some games but I kinda doubt that it interferes with Flash player.

wait, I don’t think I understand. What am I copying and pasting exactly?

does: /usr/local/bin/flashplayer chap1_v01.swf go in the exectuable box, and nothing in the arguments box?

The paths and argument string. As in, remove what’s typed in the config and copy directly from the terminal (in case it’s typed incorrectly or something… paths should be without extra spaces, BTW). Sounds unlikely, but like I said, I can’t think of any other reason why it wouldn’t work for you otherwise.

If you put that in executable box, it’ll try to execute a file called “flashplayer chap1_v01.swf” (and won’t be able to find it, I figure)

Hm, copying and pasting didn’t work.

When I don’t have the ‘run in terminal’ checked, this is what I see:

But when I do have it checked, the game loses its saves the moment I reboot my machine.

…At this point I’d suggest opening the game logs to see it there’s any useful information, but considering how utterly proprietary Adobe Flash is I wouldn’t count on it.
On the other hand, the only alternative I can think of is to try debugging Lutris to look for the source of the problem. Which is only a viable option if you have programming experience…
Well, you can also try to run run the game without a shell session (in XFCE you can press Alt+F2 to open a runner window, other DEs probably have an equivalent). But the chances of this producing a failure when it works in shell are about as good as the chance of fixing this by disabling Lutris runtime.

Well that’s weird. Do you have cache in /tmp or something?

This is where the save files for local games are supposed to go

If this path is not somewhere in temporary FS (aka RAM), then the saves should persist (although I’m not sure how this hash thing in the path is calculated, so maybe something’s causing that to change; in which case you still have it but not where the program is looking for it)

hm…no, there isn’t a macro media directory in my home folder.

Also, the game doesn’t have a tmp folder anywhere in it. Its just a game folder, with 2 sub directories. the data directory has the game, the img directory has an image for the background. And the html file, meant to run the game, is in the game directory.

Edit: also, I have almost no experience with programming.

I’m talking about where settings and save files for flash games are stored. It’s in user config files/folders. Those are dotfiles (starting with .) which are hidden by default. For example, ls won’t list them unless you pass -A option to it.

oh yea, I know what you meant. I have the ‘show hidden files’ checked my default now. Just so I can find some of my wine directories.

That said I also checked via the CLI, here’s what I can see:


as you can see, there’s nothing hiding that I can see.

…I said user config files/folders. That means $HOME. Because the folder accessible via shortcut ~ (or ~<username>) is where all config files are. I would even say, that’s basically the only folder where there’s much reason to place them (other than a few utility files like .keep which prevent the system from automatically removing a folder containing this file).

If you’re familiar with Windows folder structure, $HOME is equivalent to C:\Documents and Settings\<username> (or is it C:/users/<username> nowadays?), where all globally installed applications store their config per user. And yes, that means you’re storing all of your files in your settings folder, which is a quite bad idea in Windows; but in *nix it made perfect sense originally (because it originated from multi-user mainframes), and the fact that Linux uses good filesystems without severe limitations and that you’re free to mount/link external drives wherever you feel like while keeping access rights straight (because Linux filesystem is a single tree and not a bunch of separate ‘disks’) means there’s no actual reason to drop this convention.

Back to my previous screenshot; the game install I’m using as example is in /home/lex/Games/Flash/, but the config folder for Adobe Flash is in /home/lex – as it should be, since it contains global settings for your user. The #SharedObjects thing is basically cache for stored data per URL (Flash was made for the Web first and foremost), so it’s kept within the common files folder.

oh, I see what you mean. I think.

Here’s my listing for my flash player directory. Could the saves be somewhere else?


Well that’s weird.
Seems like the data files aren’t stored.
You’re not running Lutris via sudo or something, are you?…
Or maybe you have storage disabled in local/global settings? Try running a flash file and checking settings from popup menu.
Come to think of it, where does it store data when storage is turned off?… Perhaps it’s in /tmp – that would explain losing data after reboot.

I don’t see a setting for storage in Lutris.

But if the files are stored in temp (I’m guessing thats ram?) directory, maybe it could be copied to the shared objects folder after every exit, and from it after every startup? I know lutris does have options to run commands before each launch and after each exit. I don’t know what that command would be, but it should be possible…right?

Also, where is the /tmp folder? I can’t find it in my home directory, or in the root directory

Lutris has a Web runner (not to be confused with the Browser runner). If you add a new game you can use the Web runner, enter the link/path to your .swf as game path and tick the Enable Adobe Flash Player box in the runner options to play flash games.

I don’t know if this will fix your storage problems, but it’s worth a try (and it’s the recommended method to play flash games with Lutris)

@Medath, that’s where OP started from (read the first two messages). The discussion moved on to running a standalone flash player precisely because it’s more comfortable to use for flash games than a browser embedded plugin (YMMV, obviously).

@mattig89ch, I’m talking about Flash player. The program you’re running. Lutris settings have nothing to do with it, which should be obvious considering it’s not aware that the binary it’s running is specifically that of Adobe Flash (which is the thing that has problems with storage here).

/tmp is an absolute path (it starts with /, which means root directory), so its location is not ambiguous. If your distributive doesn’t have it, or (which I believe is more likely) mounts it someplace else, you can find it out fairly easily by running df -H (displays free space on mounted partitions, in human-readable sizes), or by grepping listing of mounted devices:

As you might’ve guessed, tmpfs is a filesystem located in RAM.

As for copying stuff over, you could use cp command for it (man cp opens usage manual)… Although in most cases it’s better to write a single shell script to do it for you. Which isn’t actually as hard as it might sound, since it’s literally the same thing as typing the commands in the terminal, except you only have to type them once (although there are some constructs you probably never used yet, so they may be unfamiliar should you need to use them). Just don’t forget to enable executable access right to the file before using it.
Regardless, before you can do anything with those directories, you need to figure out what’s happening there (and if the data is really placed in tmpfs, you still need to find the actual path to operate it).

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Ok, thank you. I’m watching the it-pro videos from back when I had a subscription, and they just went over creating your own scripts. They used the FTP example, where they apended more commands to the ftp command. I’ve also just covered piping command output into other commands as well.

Ok, so do we know where I’d look to find if/where the saves are being stored in the /tmp folder?

Also, why is /tmp not shown when I run an ls -a in the root directory?

Honestly, that’s an open question. The plan in these cases is usually to open the folder and check for any familiar words in file/folder names (limiting the search by owner could make it simpler).

It’s not a dotfile, so it doesn’t count as “hidden”; the reason you can’t find it is probably because it’s not there. Most likely it has a different name and/or isn’t at root level. Hence my two examples on how to check for tmpfs mountpoints.

My apologies for the lack of response. I was asking the devs for the naming convention of their saves, and if they knew where they might be stored. Sadly, they build this game for web browsers, so they wouldn’t know where the standalone flash game would store its saves.

They suggested a temp folder, that got deleted by reboot. Regardless, the naming convention is: ecol_CHAP2_p1_12.sol (it changes the p1 for p2,p3 or p4 depending on the saving slot or if it’s the auto save). Now, I’m guessing they are talking about the actual second chapter they released in this series, given how they are saying ‘ChAP2’ instead of CHAP1’. But I now have a place to start.

Also, I think I’m missing it. You say /tmp is a destination, but it doesn’t show up as a directory to access because its not a directory? Do I have that right?