EasySMX controller doesn't work only in lutris

The controller works fine on linux and windows but i can’t get it to work on linux in lutris… I use it with xboxdrv:

sudo xboxdrv --device-by-id 2f24:0091 --type xbox360 --device-name ‘EasySMX ESM-9101’ --silent

I’m trying them all in lutris settings, disabling and activating x360ce xinput/dinput, the dump xinput and also the “autoconfigure joypads”, but nothing…
However, if, again through lutris, I go to the “wine control panel”, here the joystic is recognized correctly and even testing, it recognizes all the keys. Which makes it all the more strange.
Specifically, the game is fifa 19, and needless to say it obviously has full support for every joystic and I play it correctly on windows with 4 of them.
So what else can I try?

Ps I’ve already read this old post: [SOLVED] xBOX Gamepad easysmx not playing with lutris, but this “solution” doesn’t work for me.