Doom 2016 working on Ubuntu-Gnome


we haven’t fixed anything.

having a game crash because it’s not grabbed by the process monitor is not normal behavior.

so that was the issue? disabling the monitor fixed it? I can try reproducing it but that’s unlikely, I’ve play DOOM a lot and this has never come up. This may be a bug in the latest releases, I’ll have to check again.

the "check - Disable “Process Monitor” is indeed in “System Options” BUT almost invisible to me (or STUPID ME) but for others … one needs to scroll down past a large gray blank area which I ASSUMED was the end of the “Page”, but no there are a dozen or so more options which had the aforementioned …
“Disable process monitor”


Thanks SOO MUCH Strider!

WooHoo My Hero!

yeah, that blank area is the dll override widget, we need to restyle it because right now it doesn’t have any borders and it’s extremely confusing.

also, we’re in the process of redesigning lutris. we still have the config dialogs to do but this should get much better in lutris 0.5.x

Awesome and thanks.

I will post this on Steam for Linux and let Linux Rule. This should solve many newby questions/problems, which is what I was hoping for. Newbies need to have an easy time installing this to attract Windows Users to Linux.

The most popular game in Windows for 2016/2017 runs much better in Ubuntu-Gnome/Linux WOW - perhaps the world is changing finally!

And thanks to you Strider!

Cheers, Mark

but… but… I appreciate the compliment but the issue still resides. There’s a reason why that “Disable monitoring” option is hidden by default, it shouldn’t be needed most of the time!

Anyway, I’ll give DOOM a try and see what happens


I am glad I could help.

and the post on Steam for Linux is getting a lot of hits - and many people have already said thanks to my tips for helping with the Lutris Learning curve. You are likely going to get a lot of new interest in Lutris from this, WOOHOO!

And trust me as an ex Flight Instructor - newbies (like me) can be a great tip for whats needed for other newbies, as experts can and often do lose sight of things that help user-friendliness. Just human nature.

Ask me for help any time!

Cheers, Mark
p.s I will make a succinct note of what I thought was weird/odd/ or counter-intuitive, I will draw it up from my notes for you.


Lutris Improvements
‣ When I clicked install from your website it:
∘ 1/ Installed wine 1.6.2 making (as you now steam login entries greyed out and unusable for most users. I had wine-devel in my computer so it wasn’t from my side.
∘ 2/ It complained that it was not a 64-bit wine version
• and indeed the “Steam Wine” was also set to wine 1.6.2. This can confuse anyone.
• which one to upgrade to a 64-bit version (well now I know it’s needed ONLY in “Steam Wine”, NOT in Wine. This can CONFUSE ANYONE!
• and Perhaps Wine needs to be 32-bit- I still don’t know., but I upgraded it “Wine” to to NON-Staging 2.9 64-bit and all worked well.
∘ 3/ You should (in my opinion) have a users guide - and I sure could have used one, but cold NOT find one ANYWHERE in 20-30 web searches. It could really help!
∘ 4/ Also note that installs in ~/.local/share/lutris/runners/winesteam/prefix and NOT in “prefix64” as one would expect. Perhaps worn newbies about this.

I hope this helps, Mark

alright, I tested Doom, there are no process monitor issues, the problem is on your end.

Please don’t go around on the internet telling people to disable that option, these thing tend to stick for a while and then create false assumptions.

You definitely have something very weird with your setup.

∘ 1/ Installed wine 1.6.2 making (as you now steam login entries greyed out and unusable for most users. I had wine-devel in my computer so it wasn’t from my side.

Impossible, we don’t even have Wine 1.6 and the installer explicitly states Wine Staging 2.7 64bit, wine 1.6.2 is the default version shipped in ubuntu 16.04

∘ 2/ It complained that it was not a 64-bit wine version

On top of specifying a 64bit wine version, the installer also enforces a 64bit prefix.

• and Perhaps Wine needs to be 32-bit- I still don’t know., but I upgraded it “Wine” to to NON-Staging 2.9 64-bit and all worked well.

Yeah, I guess Doom can now run with the regular wine release. I still strongly recommend using Wine Staging for everything as a general rule.

∘ 3/ You should (in my opinion) have a users guide - and I sure could have used one, but cold NOT find one ANYWHERE in 20-30 web searches. It could really help!

The whole point of lutris is to not need guides, you click install, you wait for the game to install, you play

∘ 4/ Also note that installs in ~/.local/share/lutris/runners/winesteam/prefix and NOT in “prefix64” as one would expect. Perhaps worn newbies about this.

This is also impossible, the wine prefix is set by the installer to $GAMEDIR/prefix which should resolve to SteamApps/common/Doom/prefix, again, I have no idea how you got this.

Your whole experience is extremely weird, I don’t know what you’ve done or how but something is not right. Not saying it’s necessarily your fault, we may have an issue on our side but it’s not supposed to be like that.

Let’s assume it is something weird on my side, as on my brothers side it installed fine, I AM THINKING YOU ARE COMPLETELY RIGHT HERE,
I used his system to get mine to match
i.e. Linux, Steam, Wine, Wine Steam,

So now the rest of this is moot but I will for the sake of reality tell you of a few things you said are impossible yet DEFINITELY happened or are happening,
Yes and remember - I have NO reason to mislead you/ lie/ or give false info. This is solely for your info and others - should they run into the same problem, which until yesterday I assumed was likely, hence my input -


Having said that, I am even second guessing myself. !!! So lets have fun with my "WEIRD SETUP of mine.
So here are some FACTS, and deal with them as you wish
and only FACTS.

Now (as we speak)

prefix64, … in ~/home/ack/.local/share/lutris/runners/winesteam //
2,119 items, totaling 357.2 MB


in ~/home/ack/.local/share/lutris/runners/winesteam //
10,955 items, totaling 84.5 GB
Si it’s working but DEFINITELY living in

I guess you found the culprit perhaps Ubuntu-Gnome forced its’ own version, And trust me I spent 3 weeks on 2 setups with this simple fact. Was in in Ubuntu-Gnome / Tried UA Gaming Linux with Lutris preinstalled (but I installed Gnome-desktop as I despise Unity) and Finally Re-Installed Ubuntu-Gnome as it was getting messy with 2 DEs.

on all 3 installs and yes all 3 gdm and Gnome and Ubuntu
My first and only use of Lutris for this game - had never even heard of it before last month. Got it working on my bros as he loves the game- and yes
One click from your website all went fine Installed as it should !! I get this part HONESTLY

On mine every install left me with Steam 1.6.2 and those awful grayed out where I and to put in my info and had to memorize each stage, I can’t forget this. So I guess you get my point. And I apologize as now I am thinking it is a WEIRD anomaly with my rig.
And for the record - My brothers ASUS agrees with you (installed as one would expect) is ALSO Ubuntu-Gnome. So it is what it is,
But lets assume my rig force 1.6.2 over-riding your install script!

Sorry for assuming it was a problem with your installer - I am happy to be wrong here.

Yep Let’s leave it at that, unless you want to discuss it further - it is indeed “WEIRD”
and kinda cool,

Thanks for your help, and being patient with me when you had every reason to think i am an idiot or confused or even lying. You have been AWESOME!

And now I know even more so with this new knowledge.

Take Care Strider, and Thanks again,


p.s. [quote=“strider, post:18, topic:584”]
Yeah, I guess Doom can now run with the regular wine release. I still strongly recommend using Wine Staging for everything as a general rule.
[/quote] Perhaps you misunderstood My Wine is non-staging but my “Wine Steam” is Staging. I assumed they don’t have to match and indeed work well mismatched in my case. Kinda makes sense as one may need different versions for different games. just FYI

p.s.s And just my opinion to close … For me it wold have been great to see more info while installing, especially when it is for a huge file like Doom. This would give people piece of mind when they are new to Lutris and have uncertainty in the process.
An easy fix I suspect, but quite reassuring


yeah, don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t assuming at any point that you would be lying, I know that everything you said is true.

I still have an ubuntu 16.04 install on another SSD, I can try to match that config of yours (with wine 1.6 installed) and see where it leads me.

The thing is, I never fully installed Doom from start to finish with the lutris script. I bought the game on release day and have been testing it every 2 weeks after that. I also believe that I was the 2nd person to play the game on Linux since I offered to help the guy who initially made the patches :smiley: But the thing is, I’ve always had a setup highly optimized to run that game, with the latest version of wine already installed, Steam properly setup and everything.

But the whole thing is probably not about Doom, there may be any issue possibly affecting any other game here. It requires more investigation.

WooHoo Srider, someone who trusts me! You’re Awesome!

and p.s. My brother who I first installed from your website 3-4 weeks ago (before I bought it), refusing to pay for it until a real Linux workaround emerged) just called me and He said that he has NOT played since I installed your version, so now my GUESS is it likely has some or all of the problems. I will let you know when he is at home and we can test it.

Cheers, Mark

p.s. now it’s more likely all this is not just on my machine and can really be of help to others and you, should you choose the challenge (my guess is you will)

Your Fellow Masochist, Mark

Just keeping this alive

a few notes for Doom with Ubuntu-Gnome

Sound Possible Fix - Started Stuttering
• For Ubuntu-Gnome / Lutris
‣ Checked - Reset Pulse-Audio in System Options
‣ Lutris / Doom ? Configure / Runner Options // >> Audio Driver (selected ALSA) as opposed to Default

• Game Crashing (but not often)
‣ Switched from 2.8 to 2.9 (Wine/Staging/64-bit), Working BETTER for sure! and
‣ Switched from XP to 7, in winecfg (surprising as POL and XOver always suggest XP)

• Again not sure if it was a fix but game visually was better (i think), Sound was clearer (very much so), perhaps the Reboot Solved this, but the other things at least did NOT hurt.

∘ As always - Trying to Help

Weird that you would need that “Reset Pulse audio” option for Wine games, did you try with the “Reduce Pulseaudio latency” option instead? (I added that option for Wolfenstein: The New Order, also a game from id Software so it might help)

You are RIGHT AGAIN. Just tried “Reduce PA Latency” and unchecked the other, and it seems to sound and run even better, Thanks, Mark

It’s almost as if I wrote the software you’re using :laughing:

Since your last update (lutris updated to 0.4.12. … the game gets past 4 screens and just before loading the game select screen it just goes gray with the cursor. Snif Snif.

I guess I am out of luck arghhh
after 4 reboots, addling “+com_skipintrovideo 1” in steam options (then straight to gray screen, but at least avoids those first 5 screens - KINDA COOL),
no Luck
and then I tried putting my GTK+ theme back to default i.e. Adwaita (had set it to “MacBuntu-OS”) (the only different thing on my system since it was working) No luck, reboot no luck
tried running .EXE in the prefix option “DOOMx64.exe” and it worked!

it worked
it worked (I guess you see I am happy!!) I really wanted to get this working in Linux to prove to the world it can run as well or better than in Windows, and it does! Part of me assumed it would screw up (9 months trying!) … but it IS WORKING!

and NOT your Updates Fault !
and an interesting note (to me anyway) is that it was still running with the Vulkan option with “DOOMx64.exe”, I thought it needed “DOOMx64vk.exe” for vulkan?
what is the difference should you know? Just curious?

Anyway after trying it and rebooting into MacBuntu-OS it did NOT work AGAIN so the problem was indeed trying a new GTK+ theme!

Now it runs with either EXE or just by selecting play from Lutris

Problem Solved! I am SOOO Happy it was not Lutris’s fault as I am hoping for GREAT things from YOU!!

just FYI … I have been on a 9 year mission getting people into Linux (away from M$) and am tired, and you have done more in 1-2 years than I have in 9 !

TRULY THANKS!:slight_smile:

If there is anything I can do to help - just ask! I would be proud to help!

Take Care Strider/Mathieu Comandon - My new Hero!


So I now have it working again,

~/.local/share/lutris/runners/winesteam/prefix/drive_c/Program Files/Steam/steamapps/common/DOOM/prefix

Runner options
Staging 2.10 with winecfg set to open (output) my audio through HDMI 7.1 Reciever (Greatly Improves)
Still need to “Disable Process Monitor” to stop crashing.

and still the oddest wine config for system still at 1.6.2 but works.

p.s and remember if you want to avoid a reboot you can try and …
“run EXE from this prefix”, which seems to solve many “hit and miss” issues,

Good Luck

(from Steam)

Lutris Save location WOW - Better Save as Cloud OFTEN Screws Up and a few tips
let this save location say it all
/home/ack/.local/share/lutris/runners/winesteam/prefix/drive_c/Program Files/Steam/steamapps/common/DOOM/prefix/drive_c/users/ack/Saved Games/id Software

and there are no less than 2 othe user folders to confuse anyone (within the Lutris runners)

for other tips see

as my 2-3 week indoctrination into Lutris has many tips and workarouns

and it is working bvetter in Lutris (Ubuntu-Gnome) than in windows (except for occassional freezes - mostly when shutting Down - so not a big problem)

Good Luck

Trying to help as alweays, Mark

I tried to play today and frames dropped to an unbearable 15 fps, low/med/high or ultra - all the same - odd??
tried 3 different nvidia driver and no difference. I changed my HDMI chord and the port to arc and it seems that it is after that. … but that makes no sense

any way if you have any suggestion - I would love to hear.

and on a happy side note - I am happy to see you took my suggestion and added a details window. I noticed as I installed a new version (no effect) , but it was sure nice to see the details running by. Had i seen those my first time I would likely have learned a lot sooner about Lutris - Good JOB Strider,

Cheers, Mark

Final Answer

This game is not at all reliable (to be nice)

For no reason from Ubuntu’s side (and yes this seems an impossibility), it just stops working.

I have reset it it to this exact configuration, and now it does not work.

Same on my Bros computer. After a 10 day kiting holiday, it stopped working on Both!

trust me - it is not worth the effort! Bethesda must be INTENTIONALLY allowing it to play at early levels then killing it for later - no other rational explanation, other than winehq has changed their code - unlikely.

For the record I am glad I made notes on my install and put it back to the exact config … and of course - no go.

Don’t waste your time … is my final conclusion

p.s. and on a side note (complaining that the standard (base) wine install on Ubuntu-Gnome and Ubuntu 16.04.(1&2) is wine 1.6.2 meta package … is moot, as this is the biggest Linux Distros, the Most popular Release, and the Most popular Linux Desktop Environment) … So simply stated (and of course one can and needs to install other versions - I get it) but it is what it is.
(I tried repos for dev / Staging / 2.0 / 2.12 / 2.13) not worth the hassle)
and wine 2.13 Staging has even been suspected of being hacked/screwed up/and not working etc. etc.