Hello everyone! This is my second time posting a forum post. The first one I posted here was trying to resolve an error I got with Battle.net. I’ve since been able to get Battle.net working but I unfortunately wasn’t able to really find a good way to debug really generic error messages from Lutris logs. While my original post was mostly resolved already, I decided to make this post which purpose is to hopefully provide information about debugging techniques available to Lutris.
Here was the generic log I got originally when I’d try to start my Battle.net launcher with all of the graphics plugins options turned on: Ubuntu Pastebin
My main issue is that I want to be able to look at the logs and maybe due some research on wine or lutris to determine like what internal code is causing and issue and what potential fixes there are.
However, the error message basically tells me that it’s run the wine command, that it’s monitoring, and that it returned an error code of 0.
I’m just realizing this is probably wine logs and not lutris logs but I’m wondering if anyone here has techniques to debug wine/lutris and get more information.
I’m hoping with this knowledge I’ll hopefully be able to resolve a couple of the issues I run into with Lutris.
Thanks for your time