BattleNet installer issue at 50%

Hi all, I am using a Manjaro 22 build and I have followed all the instructions, and my system is updated, however, I cannot run the installer beyond 50%.

Log here safenote .co/open?reference=6325fac97ba024@55716950

Tbh, I thought running a D2R would be easier on Linux.

possibly solved after checking the last solution here Can't install - #3 by Rafii2198 AND some of the solutions here

Battle Net app fully loaded and now Iā€™m waiting for the system to install D2R.

check this Cant install retail wow or wow classic - #25 by EmyrB

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ty! It works.

It is so good to see the initial work evolve into a fully functional work around that more and more people are getting to work. Hopefully we can buy enough time with this to allow the Wine developers room to work out what dependency is actually missing and give us a permanent fix!!!

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