Battlefield 1 and V doesnt start with new installation script

For Wine and Wine Steam you need to enable this manually:

  • Right-click the game > Configure > Runner options > Output debugging info > Enabled.

Here it is

Gonna double tap this thread, BF1 was working on my system (Ubuntu 18.10, 1080 Ti 415.18 drivers) using lutris but now fails to start when using any wine runner to include tkg-3.21 and tkg-3.20, I will provide logs when I get home, but for now I will add that if I attempt to execute the bf1.exe it will load but then crash with a warning about drivers being out of date…

Well the install script just changed the way Origin installs so it fails less and the wine version. I don’t see how it would affect BFV. Anyway here’s the old script:

battlefield-v.yml (1.5 KB)

To install it make sure Lutris is closed, open a terminal, and type lutris -i battlefield-v.yml

Thnx!! It works for me, now can i play the game… The error was the New installation script, u must use the old one and the gam start… Please uodate the New script for the old or put a message for the People Who want to install the game advised uses the old one.

Thx - works for me too now ! (hint: the yml is invalid on line 33 or so because of the line break)

How it works for u? For me its super choppy… Runa ay 70-100fps but every 5 seconds stop the image and 9 of 10 times kick me from servees for low fps or something… Did u put any adicional config?

What is your GPU/CPU/Memory? I noticed a decrease in performance comparable to going from a 1060 on windows to in effect 1050 ti performance on Ubuntu…

Amd rx 580 and ryzen 5 1600 with 16 ddr4 ram… Its installed on ssd

Mmm… So it could be similar to what I experienced with my GTX 1060 6GB and Xeon E3-1271v2… I snagged a 1080 ti and now have no stutters ever… Are you running eysnc?

Yep. Do you have stutters with when u have the 1060? How do you solve it?

I bought a 1080 ti. :stuck_out_tongue: Seriously, I just recognized that for the time being, as linux gaming continues to evolve, if I am going to be able to push 1440p with the lack of optimizations compared to windows I was going to need a more powerful card… I would again suggest ensuring that esync is active, and to also look at your GPU load and/or CPU loads…

Could you do me a favor and update the prefix to tkg-3.21? I want to see if it’s 100% the scripts problem. You can change back to 3.18 afterwards. Thanks.

I tested the old script now with: tkg-protonified-3.21 and DXVK 0.94 + Esync that works

the stutters are caused by the “Post-Processing” Setting => set to Low and anything else Ultra and the stutters are gone, at least on my system.

what ar u specs? i noted when the map start is very choppy but after is being a lot less and read this may be the state caché…there is any way to make the state cache process more faster?


Intel® Xeon® CPU E3-1230 v3 @ 3.30GHz
GeForce GTX 1080 8GB MSI

So this settings works well for Nvidia, maybe diffrent on AMD

I am going to second this one, I had some issues recently that required me to reinstall BF1 and when using the tkg-3.21-protonified it would stutter unless I set post-processing to low… that is with an E3-1271v2 (i7 4790), 16GB DDR3 1600, SSD, and a GTX 1080 ti… though honestly I don’t remember this being an issue a month or two a go with my gtx 1060?

Does anyone have an update like this for other origin games? I am having identical issues but with mirrors edge catalyst. Is there some archive of old lutris install scripts? Also the cataltyst install script and the bfv install script differ by having that shader_disk_cache_path. Is that important?