Zwift installer broken


It appears the Zwift installation script might be broken. It fails during the MicrosoftEdgeWebView2RuntimeX64.exe installation. I provide the file locally as the previous download link in the script was broken.

Lutris -d

WebView stacktrace

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I’m getting a similar error when I try to install Zwift and the Microsoft Edge WebView2. I get the following when I try to install WebView2,
Installer error 0xc0000005

I am running the following
OS: Ubuntu 22.10 x86_64
Host: Precision T3600 01
Kernel: 5.19.0-31-generic
Uptime: 2 hours, 9 mins
Packages: 3045 (dpkg), 10 (snap)
Shell: bash 5.2.2
Resolution: 1920x1080
DE: GNOME 43.1
WM: Mutter
WM Theme: Adwaita
Theme: Yaru [GTK2/3]
Icons: Yaru [GTK2/3]
Terminal: gnome-terminal
CPU: Intel Xeon E5-1607 0 (4) @ 3.00
GPU: AMD ATI Radeon R7 240
Memory: 2467MiB / 23992MiB

@dleecurt did you find a solution?

No I was not able to get Zwift working on Ubuntu. The system I want to use is an older i7 class Xeon and I have tried everything I can think of but Windows 10 can not see the raid controller or any drive connected to it. Ubuntu has no problem with it, it just installs and works with out a problem. My problem is that I can’t get Zwift to run on Linux, I’m not going to worry about it though. We are at the end of the indoor riding season and I’m starting to ride outside so Zwift isn’t that important to me right now and won’t be until this fall when the weather forces me to ride inside again.

I also cannot install Zwift due to WebView2 not installing. I started a separate thread in the forum about it.

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Since i found no solution to the webview2 problem on the internet and had to figure it out on my own, i’m sharing here how i got zwift working on lutris. I don’t know if every single step is necessary but this was my sequence:

-Install Zwift through Lutris.
-When it prompts you with the error that webview2 is missing. Click the link in the message to download the installer.
-Copy the Installation in lutris and change the executable to /Program Files (x86)/Zwift/ZwiftLauncher.exe
-Under wine configuration change the OS to Windows 7
-Download Microsoft Edge the browser and install it through Run Exe inside wine.
-Now install the previously downloaded webview2 setup the same way. This way it should actually install.
-Run the Zwift Launcher version. It should update. If it crashes while updating. try again. Only worked on my second try.
-Close that once you get to the fully white window.
-Run the Version in lutris that you copied initially.

-The Launcher has to always be started first when you want to start the game. Zwift needs it to be running in the Background

That’s it. That’s how i got it to work and that’s all the assistance i can give. Good Luck!

Dear foxwhispers, I am exactly where you were back in december. Could you please explain what you mean with copying the Installation in Lutris?

I have installed Zwift, EdgeWebView, installing Edge worked, changing the exec to the ZwiftLauncher is done. Also tried with the Evergreen Download Version, but it fails to install.
I guess i fail to understand what the part Copy the Installation in lutris and change the executable to /Program Files (x86)/Zwift/ZwiftLauncher.exe actually means.
Thanks in advance

Edit: Oh, Wow, No! It worked! I am just stuck at a black Update-Windows now.

Edit: Got it to run after trying around. Key was no to change the run-from-x64.exe from the startet but just start the launcher before that in the same prefix.