WoW VoiceError:17

Yes you can forward ports in firewalld, I’m not sure what I should use though in the port forwarding.

This is definitely a Firewalld issue. I tried three different distro’s and three firewalls.
What I do is start and stop firewalld when I want to play.
sudo systemctl stop firewalld
Play WoW
sudo systemctl start firewalld

Or if you just want to disable it:
sudo systemctl disable firewalld

What I do for a temporary workaround is to just stop firewalld until it has connected to the voice chat service and then start firewalld right after, as long as it has connected it works. Only problem is when switching characters you will have to temporarily stop and then start it again.

I went back to fedora 36 and everything seems to be working fine again in terms of the network issues.

I guess I’ll stick with fedora 36 until work arounds are found or things are fixed.

If you are experiencing this issue with firewalld, please go to this link and report your version, settings etc - I have setup an issue with them, but need your input to get them to action it.

Not ideal, but on Redhat derivatives (I’m on Nobara based on Fedora) just disabling firewalld made a huge difference to performance and stopped the error for me.

I have a hardware firewall so dont want firewalld running on my gaming machine.

Haven’t checked here in a while
For the past month I have just been disabling firewalld and battlenet and WoW works great after.
Just checking if anyone has had success with another solution? If not I’ll just keep disabling it

Just thought I would put an update here, my system recently updated wine to 8.0 and it looks like the weird network stuff has gone away. I don’t need to disable firewalld anymore, something somewhere must have changed for the better.

Seems to be fixed for me, dont need to disable firewalld anymore.