Winetricks inLutris not updated

Hi. I have recently ditched Windoze due to the adamant intrusion in private computers and background piracy of personal data (OneDrive). I am now driving ZorinOS 17.1 and so far, it is a nice run.

When I try to install EA App on Lutris, I get the message that my winetricks is still 2023xxxx and outdated. I know it is not, because I have deleted the winetricks installation and installed winetricks 20240105, the latest version Lutris wants. I used the Terminal and followed online guides, including from the Lutris forums.

I have even gone into usr/local/bin and self-updated winetricks, but Lutris still only sees 2023xxxx. Which causes EA App to not install properly and therefore be unusable.

How can I get Lutris to recognise the current winetricks installation?

Lutris defaults to the supplied winetricks in ~/.local/share/winetricks - you’d have to ask why Lutris ships with an older version, but I suspect compatibility reasons.

Each title using the WINE runner has an option to use system winetricks (expects it to be /usr/bin/winetricks,) or you can set it globally on the WINE runner itself as a default for all WINE titles.
Some old things might break, but I’ve not have an issue.

If you have native lutris, navigate to:
~/.local/share/lutris/runtime/winetricks folder and run ./winetricks --self-update

If it is the flatpak lutris, look in the ~/.var/app/net.lutris.Lutris folder structure for the winetricks folder and run the same command in that folder (I don’t use flatpak on this box so can’t get the exact location)

I used GNOME commander to c&p the winetricks file from usr/local/bin to the Flatpak winetricks folder. Overwrote the old winetricks file. EA App installer seems to be working now. Getting a warning repeatedly that it’s a 64-bit WINEPREFIX and some apps use only 32-bit. Installation finished, now let’s see about setup…

I’m in. If I do not return to this topic, it works as advertised.

Thank you, in any case.

that works too :slight_smile: