Wine prefix does not show itself in wine apps or in explorer!

When i launch a explorer with lutris inside that wineprefix, the wineprefix folder itself does not show up but i can browse other files completely fine.

Here I have linked a video of mine explaining it all :

Any help would be greatly appreciated !

I suspect it’s probably because of the location you installed the main game data to is not normal. if you are going to install games within that wine prefix make sure to put it INSIDE ‘drive_c’ as in here will have the standard windows-like folder structure.

so for example put your game in 'C:\Games' I would expect the ‘explorer’ there should not have issues seeing that then.

p.s. on my setup with games I have my prefixes in one location and my games in another (on another hard drive) totally separate from that wine prefix.

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yeah just differentiating between the prefix and the actually installed game location just does not give a problem. For example, if i create a folder called prefix inside the game folder and load my prefix inside that folder, then the explorer does not have any problem detecting the directory outside it, in my case - the game directory.