Why is it SOOO hard to find the game saves?

For Front Mission 1st? Why aren’t they in the game saves folder like with DOOM 64? Do you know where the games saves are for Front Mission 1st?

It looks like that will be in a dumb ass place. (Also, the game configuration seems to be in a registry subkey… that bites the weenie)


/path/to/wineprefix/drive_c/users/yourname/AppData/LocalLow/Forever Entertainment SA/FRONT MISSION 1st Remake

Most applications would not use LocalLow… no wonder you can’t find it.

This is where it seemed to be on my system /home/q/Games/front-mission-1st/drive_c/users/q/AppData/Local/GOG.com/Galaxy/Applications/56551820355323161/Storage/Shared/Files

Unless those are the wrong files…