Virtua Tennis 4 launches then Closes

I’ve dabbled in Linux here and there but have recently been spending more time with it due to the Steam Deck desktop mode. I’ve installed many games (Phantasy Star Universe, Phantasy Star Ambition of the Illuminus, OutRun 2006, Virtua Tennis (1, 3, and 2009) on Steam Deck with Lutris for use in desktop mode and game mode. They all work fine besides Virtua Tennis 2009 which plays well but has no music for some reason during matches. When I play on PC, it has music.

Anyway, one game I’ve had problems with is Virtua Tennis 4. Yes, I have the games for Windows nonsense patched out, added gameux=disabled, and the game works fine on my Windows laptop. But no matter what I do, Virtua Tennis 4 will not load. It briefly shows the game screen and then closes. This happens in Steam Deck desktop mode and game mode. My guess is that it won’t launch because it’s not in windowed mode, and I don’t see any way to set it to windowed. But then again that would only affect game mode and not desktop mode.

So if anyone has gotten this game to work on the Steam Deck, please let me know. Here’s the error log.

Started initial process 1539 from gamemoderun /home/deck/.var/app/net.lutris.Lutris/data/lutris/runners/wine/wine-ge-8-26-x86_64/bin/wine /home/deck/Games/Virtua Tennis 4/VT4.exe
Start monitoring process.
fsync: up and running.
wine: RLIMIT_NICE is <= 20, unable to use setpriority safely
info: Game: VT4.exe
info: DXVK: v2.4.1
info: Vulkan: Found vkGetInstanceProcAddr in winevulkan.dll @ 0x6fa838c0
info: Built-in extension providers:
info: Platform WSI
info: OpenVR
info: OpenXR
info: OpenVR: could not open registry key, status 2
info: OpenVR: Failed to locate module
info: Enabled instance extensions:
info: VK_EXT_surface_maintenance1
info: VK_KHR_get_surface_capabilities2
info: VK_KHR_surface
info: VK_KHR_win32_surface
warn: Skipping CPU adapter: llvmpipe (LLVM 17.0.6, 256 bits)
info: AMD Custom GPU 0932 (RADV VANGOGH):
info: Driver : radv 24.3.1
info: Memory Heap[0]:
info: Size: 3050 MiB
info: Flags: 0x0
info: Memory Type[2]: Property Flags = 0x6
info: Memory Type[5]: Property Flags = 0xe
info: Memory Type[6]: Property Flags = 0xe
info: Memory Type[8]: Property Flags = 0xc6
info: Memory Type[10]: Property Flags = 0xce
info: Memory Heap[1]:
info: Size: 6101 MiB
info: Flags: 0x1
info: Memory Type[0]: Property Flags = 0x1
info: Memory Type[1]: Property Flags = 0x1
info: Memory Type[3]: Property Flags = 0x7
info: Memory Type[4]: Property Flags = 0x7
info: Memory Type[7]: Property Flags = 0xc1
info: Memory Type[9]: Property Flags = 0xc7
info: Process set as DPI aware
info: Device properties:
info: Device : AMD Custom GPU 0932 (RADV VANGOGH)
info: Driver : radv 24.3.1
info: Enabled device extensions:
info: VK_AMD_memory_overallocation_behavior
info: VK_AMD_shader_fragment_mask
info: VK_EXT_attachment_feedback_loop_layout
info: VK_EXT_conservative_rasterization
info: VK_EXT_custom_border_color
info: VK_EXT_depth_bias_control
info: VK_EXT_depth_clip_enable
info: VK_EXT_extended_dynamic_state3
info: VK_EXT_fragment_shader_interlock
info: VK_EXT_graphics_pipeline_library
info: VK_EXT_line_rasterization
info: VK_EXT_memory_priority
info: VK_EXT_non_seamless_cube_map
info: VK_EXT_robustness2
info: VK_EXT_shader_module_identifier
info: VK_EXT_shader_stencil_export
info: VK_EXT_swapchain_maintenance1
info: VK_EXT_transform_feedback
info: VK_EXT_vertex_attribute_divisor
info: VK_KHR_external_memory_win32
info: VK_KHR_external_semaphore_win32
info: VK_KHR_maintenance5
info: VK_KHR_pipeline_library
info: VK_KHR_present_id
info: VK_KHR_present_wait
info: VK_KHR_swapchain
info: VK_KHR_win32_keyed_mutex
info: Device features:
info: robustBufferAccess : 1
info: fullDrawIndexUint32 : 1
info: imageCubeArray : 1
info: independentBlend : 1
info: geometryShader : 1
info: tessellationShader : 0
info: sampleRateShading : 1
info: dualSrcBlend : 0
info: logicOp : 0
info: multiDrawIndirect : 0
info: drawIndirectFirstInstance : 0
info: depthClamp : 1
info: depthBiasClamp : 1
info: fillModeNonSolid : 1
info: depthBounds : 1
info: wideLines : 1
info: multiViewport : 1
info: samplerAnisotropy : 1
info: textureCompressionBC : 1
info: occlusionQueryPrecise : 1
info: pipelineStatisticsQuery : 1
info: vertexPipelineStoresAndAtomics : 1
info: fragmentStoresAndAtomics : 0
info: shaderImageGatherExtended : 0
info: shaderClipDistance : 1
info: shaderCullDistance : 1
info: shaderFloat64 : 0
info: shaderInt64 : 0
info: variableMultisampleRate : 1
info: shaderResourceResidency : 0
info: shaderResourceMinLod : 0
info: sparseBinding : 0
info: sparseResidencyBuffer : 0
info: sparseResidencyImage2D : 0
info: sparseResidencyImage3D : 0
info: sparseResidency2Samples : 0
info: sparseResidency4Samples : 0
info: sparseResidency8Samples : 0
info: sparseResidency16Samples : 0
info: sparseResidencyAliased : 0
info: Vulkan 1.1
info: shaderDrawParameters : 0
info: Vulkan 1.2
info: samplerMirrorClampToEdge : 1
info: drawIndirectCount : 1
info: samplerFilterMinmax : 0
info: hostQueryReset : 1
info: timelineSemaphore : 1
info: bufferDeviceAddress : 0
info: shaderOutputViewportIndex : 1
info: shaderOutputLayer : 1
info: vulkanMemoryModel : 1
info: Vulkan 1.3
info: robustImageAccess : 0
info: pipelineCreationCacheControl : 1
info: shaderDemoteToHelperInvocation : 1
info: shaderZeroInitializeWorkgroupMemory : 0
info: synchronization2 : 1
info: dynamicRendering : 1
info: VK_AMD_shader_fragment_mask
info: extension supported : 1
info: VK_EXT_attachment_feedback_loop_layout
info: attachmentFeedbackLoopLayout : 1
info: VK_EXT_conservative_rasterization
info: extension supported : 1
info: VK_EXT_custom_border_color
info: customBorderColors : 1
info: customBorderColorWithoutFormat : 1
info: VK_EXT_depth_clip_enable
info: depthClipEnable : 1
info: VK_EXT_depth_bias_control
info: depthBiasControl : 1
info: leastRepresentableValueForceUnormRepresentation : 0
info: floatRepresentation : 1
info: depthBiasExact : 1
info: VK_EXT_extended_dynamic_state3
info: extDynamicState3AlphaToCoverageEnable : 1
info: extDynamicState3DepthClipEnable : 1
info: extDynamicState3RasterizationSamples : 1
info: extDynamicState3SampleMask : 1
info: extDynamicState3LineRasterizationMode : 1
info: VK_EXT_fragment_shader_interlock
info: fragmentShaderSampleInterlock : 0
info: fragmentShaderPixelInterlock : 0
info: VK_EXT_full_screen_exclusive
info: extension supported : 0
info: VK_EXT_graphics_pipeline_library
info: graphicsPipelineLibrary : 1
info: VK_EXT_line_rasterization
info: rectangularLines : 1
info: smoothLines : 1
info: VK_EXT_memory_budget
info: extension supported : 1
info: VK_EXT_memory_priority
info: memoryPriority : 1
info: VK_EXT_non_seamless_cube_map
info: nonSeamlessCubeMap : 1
info: VK_EXT_robustness2
info: robustBufferAccess2 : 1
info: robustImageAccess2 : 1
info: nullDescriptor : 1
info: VK_EXT_shader_module_identifier
info: shaderModuleIdentifier : 1
info: VK_EXT_shader_stencil_export
info: extension supported : 1
info: VK_EXT_swapchain_colorspace
info: extension supported : 0
info: VK_EXT_swapchain_maintenance1
info: swapchainMaintenance1 : 1
info: VK_EXT_hdr_metadata
info: extension supported : 0
info: VK_EXT_transform_feedback
info: transformFeedback : 0
info: geometryStreams : 0
info: VK_EXT_vertex_attribute_divisor
info: vertexAttributeInstanceRateDivisor : 1
info: vertexAttributeInstanceRateZeroDivisor : 1
info: VK_KHR_external_memory_win32
info: extension supported : 1
info: VK_KHR_external_semaphore_win32
info: extension supported : 1
info: VK_KHR_maintenance5
info: maintenance5 : 1
info: VK_KHR_present_id
info: presentId : 1
info: VK_KHR_present_wait
info: presentWait : 1
info: VK_NV_descriptor_pool_overallocation
info: descriptorPoolOverallocation : 0
info: VK_NV_raw_access_chains
info: shaderRawAccessChains : 0
info: VK_NVX_binary_import
info: extension supported : 0
info: VK_NVX_image_view_handle
info: extension supported : 0
info: VK_KHR_win32_keyed_mutex
info: extension supported : 1
info: Queue families:
info: Graphics : 0
info: Transfer : 1
info: Sparse : 2
warn: DXVK: No state cache file found
info: DXVK: Graphics pipeline libraries supported
info: D3D9DeviceEx::ResetSwapChain:
info: Requested Presentation Parameters
info: - Width: 640
info: - Height: 480
info: - Format: D3D9Format::A8R8G8B8
info: - Auto Depth Stencil: false
info: ^ Format: D3D9Format::Unknown
info: - Windowed: false
info: - Swap effect: 1
info: Presenter: Actual swap chain properties:
info: Format: VK_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM
info: Present mode: VK_PRESENT_MODE_IMMEDIATE_KHR (dynamic: yes)
info: Buffer size: 640x480
info: Image count: 4
info: Exclusive FS: 0
info: Setting display mode: 640x480@0
info: Setting display mode: 640x480@0
debug: D3D9Cursor::ShowCursor: Software cursor not implemented.
debug: Compiling shader VS_afe5539e7c5c565517ed5a8767f04bfc333c4b8f
info: DXVK: Using 8 compiler threads
debug: Compiling shader FS_e7d0373eaa6e115e30c5e1f04325f66f9d18b47d
info: Presenter: Actual swap chain properties:
info: Format: VK_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM
info: Present mode: VK_PRESENT_MODE_IMMEDIATE_KHR (dynamic: yes)
info: Buffer size: 640x480
info: Image count: 4
info: Exclusive FS: 0
debug: Compiling shader VS_8c2ef211048a74cc4af8efed211276d5b0be9ad0
debug: Compiling shader FS_184bf4be92328c267d8edafc191ab652292a8fec
debug: Compiling shader FS_4541e4e0b5faa7a1551c4ff9915983e2ce0eecb1
debug: Compiling shader VS_a5ccd1864f8f012733c6bfdd766fa33afa5865c0
debug: Compiling shader FS_79346a2c66b0f746f1344932a666d8ff9fee01c9
debug: Compiling shader FS_3b5de89469fb13825a236c627f099377a246aac7
debug: Compiling shader VS_b1827e50809458666a1e193085f6c380fc0fe688
debug: Compiling shader FS_a7295c01e3f1b71e676e5b11ecd07d50671ecb2e
debug: Compiling shader VS_bdec0367253fe675830759c2d875e51657f39fab
debug: Compiling shader FS_f5b7b01e2498044bc13afcc79446f73d2e20cbdc
debug: Compiling shader VS_adc5aa360765fdc0bdcda7fb33ba5791d2f399d3
debug: Compiling shader FS_2b7470da3df5119159c308d69cbc2bb0ace97a08
debug: Compiling shader VS_e0f22f38922e53cbd046a9f0592e48393f9fab83
debug: Compiling shader FS_cf73eada9f2d08b1445df4e65334c3c0703b5159
debug: Compiling shader FS_9b78cf0d529c6be31e9d22c8c739c3306fde5719
debug: Compiling shader VS_874c56478bcd1fe3b7a3308978b4ec0490b8c84e
debug: Compiling shader FS_6a67e6ce74ac9d0d5c8f005c8de1de5598f305ec
debug: Compiling shader FS_a751dd6870053d044f348810fdc3127b672d9956
debug: Compiling shader VS_3a14dd8df1ef739dc15171711cf4dd9fb6822e15
debug: Compiling shader FS_f0048ac2495ad6087484cc8f3213623ece9204da
debug: Compiling shader VS_e4fc1546e8914068e04d96313de3dcf87291b181
debug: Compiling shader FS_5dda4ec22d1aa946dc96827957916818488723fe
debug: Compiling shader VS_fb764db5fc119b63860a62ca3b5b354657e09a4f
debug: Compiling shader VS_9e6605bac9c2ea878136a11c5f3dfc26e9be5707
debug: Compiling shader FS_5fbf3376f139478c9471d7733ad5c4a01dedb8c2
debug: Compiling shader VS_6f9b22d97ff9c8d840de10a7627e1ceabd7ce305
debug: Compiling shader FS_255ba2d393582183631386aebe73ae337807078e
debug: Compiling shader VS_09722a7e6b0218e7c360337a411dd958e0924026
debug: Compiling shader VS_278d29b33353ea8cd037d1786e7c2923931c4b22
debug: Compiling shader FS_3c883c261bbad99478ca779744f1d87fc2dd2eba
debug: Compiling shader VS_f77e945686aeda68575559ce35f07eb8dad900a6

Figured it out. Instead of moving the working game over from PC to Steam Deck and then pointing Lutris to the exe, I installed the game setup files via Lutris. Had some trouble finding the finished files to put Lutris to the exe, since it was put in D and I kept looking in C (duh), but as soon as I found the files and pointed Lutris to the right place, the game finally runs.

In Steam gaming mode I had to manually set the resolution to 1920x1080 to get the game to launch.