Unreal gold native installer steam not working

url issue seems that lutris url in the script is a dead url link

No filename provided, please provide ‘url’ and ‘filename’ parameters in the script


I’m getting the same issue on Solus.

Weird… is it failing to download this file: https://lutris.net/files/games/unreal-gold/old-unreal-227i.tar.bz2 ? Because the link is valid, it downloads just fine.

It should be noted that downloads sometimes have reliability issues (not for myself, but it can happen depending on the internet provider) which is why I’m planning to migrate the static files to Amazon S3 in the next weeks.

Update: Ok, issue reproduced, it wasn’t about that file after all. I’ll work on a fix.

The issue with Unreal Gold is fixed but the same issue with Unreal Tournament is still happening.

Seems to be a runtime issue. Disabled it and it runs but textures are broken. Don’t know if that’s because of the runtime though.

Ran it through the terminal outside of Lutris and I get the same texture bugs.

Running into the same issue here. I installed the Windows version first and then ran the Linux native script.

INFO     2018-04-23 18:55:02,602 [lutriswindow]:Installing unreal-gold-native-steam-data
INFO     2018-04-23 18:55:06,195 [interpreter]:Downloading file 1 of 2
INFO     2018-04-23 18:55:35,570 [interpreter]:Downloading file 2 of 2
ERROR    2018-04-23 18:55:35,570 [errors]:No filename provided, please provide 'url' and 'filename' parameters in the scriptNone

Is there something malformed with the second download?

- steam-data: $STEAM:13250:/