Ubuntu 24.04 - E: Cannot run /usr/bin/bwrap: wait status 256

Hi Everyone.

Trying to run battle.net through Lutris(Ubuntu 24.04) using GE-Proton results in the following error - Does anyone know how to resolve this?:

Started initial process 13854 from /home/nicolai/.local/share/lutris/runtime/umu/umu_run.py /home/nicolai/Games/battlenet/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/Battle.net/Battle.net Launcher.exe
Start monitoring process.
pressure-vessel-wrap[13857]: E: Cannot run /usr/bin/bwrap: wait status 256
pressure-vessel-wrap[13857]: E: Diagnostic output:
bwrap: setting up uid map: Permission denied

pressure-vessel-wrap[13857]: E: Cannot run /home/nicolai/.local/share/umu/pressure-vessel/bin/pv-bwrap: wait status 256
pressure-vessel-wrap[13857]: E: Diagnostic output:
bwrap: setting up uid map: Permission denied

Monitored process exited.
Initial process has exited (return code: 0)
All processes have quit
Exit with return code 0

I’m not sure of the recommended method to fix that on Ubuntu, but evidently what is wrong is that you do not have sufficient privileges to set up the UID and GID mappings to use namespaces for rootless containers. Here’s the business end of it.

There are two files /etc/subuid and /etc/subgid that have mappings for your user.



subgid (same):


That’s allowing me to map starting at that range, with that count of UID’s and GIDs. I believe this is functionality provided by the “shadow” package, newuidmap and newgidmap utilities. I don’t know if Ubuntu splits that package though. (you should have /usr/bin/newuidmap).

These hoops are so you don’t have to set your container application (e.g. bwrap) SUID root.

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Ubuntu 24 went to apparmor, and does not have a working default for bwrap, and even with entries in /etc/subuid etc. it will still give permission denied.

Two realistic choices, depending on your security preference - create an apparmor file with an appropriate entry, or apply setuid on /usr/bin/bwrap

If you search for “Ubuntu 24.04 and Bubblewrap” you’ll find a few posts about it.


Ubuntu really doesn’t give a shit about their users. I didn’t know about that bollocks, thanks.

Thank for the replies guys.
I opted for 22.04 for now.

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  1. On Ubuntu 24.04, clone the lutris code from the git source and run in terminal using:
    from the lutris/bin folder in the code you downloaded. There are issues if you are using the 0.5.17 deb install, a lot of fixes in the git code for the um integration.

  2. Proton GE doesn’t seem to like running BNet outside Steam where it happily runs WoW and OW2. Proton experimental does work with BNet in lutris as launched above.

Tested on Ubuntu 24.04 just now to confirm

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