Twitch App install script hangs

Twitch App fails at installing winetricks dotnet4.

This is a weird thing, since I managed to install it once but I mixed the prefix with my prefix and deleted both.

Now I’m getting this error that triggers a logical loop:

I deleted the config files under ~/.local along with the winetricks cache

Any ideas?

I installed the Twitch app yesterday and I can confirm that the .net processes have to be killed manually during the install process.

The installer will have to be updated with another install method for .net, which is also compatible with 64bit prefixes btw

I rebooted just to be sure anything cached/running wouldn’t be an issue; still getting the same error.

I’ve been trying and trying to get .net to install on a 64-bit prefixes via a Lutris installer but I just can’t seem to get it to work. FWIW sometimes the app installs .net fine and sometimes it doesn’t. I don’t really get why.

Yeah, that’s what puzzles me, my first run installed, apparently, fine.