I’m trying to Install Civ IV using Lutris’s install script. However, I got an error and which says to share with the Lutris Team.
I’m hoping to do that here (becaues I don’t have github or discord) and hoping it gets some traction
Is this fixable? Just the annoying thing is that as recently as 2 months ago, the game used to work fine via Lutris
Could you post the url game page and tell us which script version you tried to install.
Sure the game in question in CIv IV using the default script here
There is one minor change at the end of the script: where it says version I wrote Bob.
It was asking for a GOG token and I didn’t want to sign in; so a helpful user Profile - Asaftiifm - Lutris Forums, pointed out a fix.
That is the only alteration made on the install script.
However it is important to note, that even before this alteration, for the past 2 months or so, I’ve been ahving trouble using the default unaltered install script. It shoots up the same error
I’m author of this script and I saw it needs a BIG update, I’m working on it.
To avoid your token issue, just connect your GOG account with Lutris.
Oh wow,
Thank you for creating a script that lets me a play a comfort game from my childhood!
Script installer “GOG version” updated.