Trying to create support topic but lutris command can't be found

Hi there everyone,

I wanted to ask about a problem I’m having with a game but when I try to follow the pinned support steps, my OS can’t find lutris and suggests installing it. To be clear, Lutris is installed and Installed battlenet launcher through it.

Linux Mint 21.3
Lutris 0.5.16 (via software store, Flatpak version)


schwim@schwim-office-mint:~$ lutris --submit-issue
Command ‘lutris’ not found, but can be installed with:
sudo apt install lutris

Can someone tell me what I need to do in my case to follow the requested steps for support?

You might be new to Linux - Flatpak is a sandbox tool.

You need to launch the Lutris flatpak, enter the lutris flatpak sandbox, and then you’ll be able to run that command from it. Similarly, games installed by Lutris flatpak require the use of that flatpak sandbox as all the Lutris runtimes will be in it.

The tool you’re trying to use is mainly used for submitting issues about Lutris and installers.

If it’s a specific game that is crashing and no-one else seems to have problems with it, ask in Lutris Discord, or try posting here.