The + button upper left: i didn't see it and didn't know how to add a game

I installed Lutris then, and thought to give it a shot for a long time. But how to add a game? Yes: i didn’t see that “+” in the upper corner until 15 mins later :face_with_monocle:

Anyone else had this? Maybe the “add a game” bar or some should be added underneath the sources or runners?

Currently in version 0.5.10 you should see the following screen but I do agree it is not too clear and this welcome message doesn’t always appear.

Lutris used to have a much more discoverable user interface. You aren’t the only one that noticed this. If I wasn’t already familiar I’d have probably been all WTF.

It’s a trend these days. I used to be able to open any graphical program for the first time and figure out how to work it just by clicking menus and/or reading clearly labeled buttons (or hover text).

You should see me on mobile. I DETEST touch screen UI’s.

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I do think the + button is a bit in the corner, and not really visible, but at the same time some people may want a longer search bar? IDK, maybe get some more feedback before carrying it over to the devs.

For sure its a lot “off”. I think it should be somewhere close to those game services. For example i was clicking on the game stores and wondering “yeah but how do i add stuff!?”.