Switch from DEB to Flatpak - Wine games missing


I try to switch from Ubuntu DEB to Flatpak.
If I run Lutris on Flatpak all games installed ( I only have Wine games) are missing

I searched for the Config path in Flatpak and found it in:
I closed lutris and replaced the lutris directory with a copy from ~/.config/lutris
I checked that ~/.var/app/net.lutris.Lutris/config/games contain the yml files
and restarted, but my wine games do not appear.

You also need to transfer over the /.local/share/lutris folder, so it’ll end up in /.var/app/net.lutris.Lutris/.local/share/lutris/

That’s where the database file sits

I played around. Your path not worked but puting the ~/.local/share/lutris folder into /.var/app/net.lutris.Lutris/data worked.

But now I have the problem Lutris do not find the user.reg in my my Wine Game directory.
But the location lutris prompt and its files is available.
I even tried to add a user directory with flatseal. (Filesystem → other directory)