Steam deck drop frames after half an hour of play when using a mouse or keyboard

I tested my steam deck on a few games and the result is always the same, after about half an hour the game starts stuttering and is virtually unplayable.
When I use mouse, a gyroscope or a joystick as a mouse, the game stutters immediately after any input is sent, but when I use keyboards it stutter with a slight delay.
When nothing is pressed or when using the joystick or the gyroscope as a joystick, the frames are stable.
The problem only occurs in gaming mode using lutris. While using lutris on desktop everything works fine.

Link to lutrice log while playing Metro


same thing happens here, controller input seems ok but emulated kbm will just stutter every time a key is pressed or the mouse moves after a while. Seems like a game mode compatibility issue. Really want this to be fixed otherwise lutris is pretty much unusable on the deck.

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Bro I have the same problem. Did you manage to solve it somehow?