Star Trek Online (STO) does not start

I have just done a brand new install of Start Trek Online. The game installs quickly. However after hitting the “Play” button on the game from the Lutris main window for the first time it simple exits after a few seconds. Here are the logs:

Started initial process 1270 from gamemoderun /home/kemra102/.var/app/net.lutris.Lutris/data/lutris/runners/wine/lutris-7.2-2-x86_64/bin/wine /home/kemra102/Games/star-trek-online/drive_c/Star Trek Online.exe
Start monitoring process.
fsync: up and running.
Application could not be started, or no application associated with the specified file.
ShellExecuteEx failed: File not found.

Monitored process exited.
Initial process has exited (return code: 256)
Exit with return code 256

The Lutris page for STO says first start will take a while first time but it seems to just die instead right now. I cannot see any extra processes running on my system beyond the normal ones so it does appear to have properly exited.

It’s worth pointing out that the binary the error mentions is exactly where it says it’s looking so I’ve no idea why it doesn’t find it.

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Is the exe actually located in the root of the virtual C drive?

Normally apps are installed in C:\Program Files… and not directly in the root.

Yep the .exe seems to be in the root of the C: drive

[kemra102@fedora drive_c]$ ll
total 4
drwxr-xr-x. 1 kemra102 kemra102   18 Apr 21 10:04  ProgramData
drwxr-xr-x. 1 kemra102 kemra102  118 Apr 21 10:04 'Program Files'
drwxr-xr-x. 1 kemra102 kemra102  118 Apr 21 10:04 'Program Files (x86)'
-rw-r--r--. 1 kemra102 kemra102 2999 Apr 21 10:04 'Star Trek Online.exe'
drwxr-xr-x. 1 kemra102 kemra102   28 Apr 21 10:04  users
drwxr-xr-x. 1 kemra102 kemra102  492 Apr 21 10:04  windows
[kemra102@fedora drive_c]$ pwd

Not sure if that’s normal for this game but it seems to be where it’s expected as far as I can tell.

The non-steam version downloads the file from the website. The thing is, they now use an installer file because the game is now maintained by arc games. It is called Star-trek-online_Arc2Setup.exe. That’s probably why it is not found. It will probably work when you change the exe in the game config to the new exe.

If the install succeeds then I expect that the exe config should be changed to the installed Star Trek Online.exe.

Needed a couple of things to get the game installed, firstly the download URL for the installer needed changing to:

Then the path for the installed game binary needs updating to drive_c/Program Files (x86)/Star Trek Online_en/Star Trek Online.exe.

Although I’ve got it installed OK I have a runtime problem now, every loading screen past character selection hangs indefinitely. You get the message about patching files which immediately drops to 0 bytes/s and the spinner freezes with everything else (though the music is not impacted).

I’m having similar problems as of 7/31/23 on a clean install of POP and Lutris and Wine (8.02). Same error, so the install scripts are still not right. I’m totally new to Lutris (like, hours!), so gotta figure out how to fix this…in theory could make your changes to install script and run that? but not sure how (yet!)

NW should be similar, so if I can figure this out maybe I can get 'em both working…

This still doesn’t work as of 2025. Installed/tried/uninstalled multiple times; the install process just doesn’t work under Lutris as-is. Would prefer not to use use steam launcher but Lutris install scripts just don’t work; tried all 3 (retail, proton, and steam).

The Lutris standalone installer is broken, and that seems to be down to changes by Arc.

Arc seems to have replaced the old STO direct download, and the Arc client bails horribly in several places (seems to like having winbind for ntlm_auth calls to function more smoothly).

Installing STO seems to have issues, but the progress bar is moving. Will let you know :stuck_out_tongue:

I forgot how janky MMO engines are, but I did get to sit in the captains chair :smiley:

So, good news, bad news:

A manual install using the default Lutris runner does run the Arc platform and the game, but if you were hoping for a “seamless” Lutris install script to install Arc and STO, it won’t happen, because it is effectively two separate platforms. That said, we could script the Arc installer pretty easily.

After STO is installed, and Arc does not have DRM/integration like Steam and others, it doesn’t stop me using “Add a locally installed game” item in Lutris, and launching the STO client directly :partying_face:

Edit: Missed a step! List of steps that worked for me: -

  1. Make a new game directory, wineboot using Lutris wine-ge-8-26, set to Windows 10
  2. Download the Arc client, and install using Lutris wine-ge-8-26, exit after running
    Note: I changed the default Arc install path to C:\Arc for ease and compatibility
  3. Run the ArcLauncher to finalize the client install (using Lutris wine-ge-8-26)
  4. Wait 5 minutes, then “nicely” kill (use -15 which is “please exit!!”) off the Arc.exe Process. You might have to do it twice.
    Note: No idea why the Arc client doesn’t run, but the launcher seems to be…twitchy
  5. Run the Arc client (using Lutris wine-ge-8-26) login and run the STO install
    Note: Again, for ease and compatibility, I installed STO in its own directory C:\STO
  6. It will launch another app - click close on any STO launcher crash boxes you see. Eventually a proper UI will appear (around 3.0%)
  7. Click Engage on the STO launcher when installed…and enjoy? your MMO
  8. Save settings and exit.
  9. Create game item in Lutris

…and the commands - obviously this is for my system - that get you from step 1-3 (plus 4 and 5 really)

Change “/games/lutris” to your own path. For flatpak users, commands will be different for flatpak Lutris.

mkdir /games/lutris/star-trek-online
export WINEPREFIX=/games/lutris/star-trek-online
~/.local/share/lutris/runners/wine/wine-ge-8-26-x86_64/bin/wine wineboot
~/.local/share/lutris/runners/wine/wine-ge-8-26-x86_64/bin/wine winecfg -v win10
mkdir /games/lutris/star-trek-online/drive_c/Arc /games/lutris/star-trek-online/drive_c/STO
~/.local/share/lutris/runners/wine/wine-ge-8-26-x86_64/bin/wine ~/Downloads/Star-trek-online_Arc3Setup.exe
cd $WINEPREFIX/drive_c
~/.local/share/lutris/runners/wine/wine-ge-8-26-x86_64/bin/wine "${WINEPREFIX}/drive_c/Arc/ArcLauncher.exe"
sleep 300 ; for psID in `ps auxwwww | grep Arc.exe | awk '{print $2}'`;do kill -15 $psID;done
~/.local/share/lutris/runners/wine/wine-ge-8-26-x86_64/bin/wine "${WINEPREFIX}/drive_c/Arc/Arc.exe"

Gimme warp, in the factor of 5,6,7,8…

Other notes: Arc shuts down badly after exiting (any WINE version) so a reboot is a good idea if you want to be clean.