lutris 0.4.23-1
DXVK 0.81
Enable Esync
I got several issues and my guess is that they are related to patch 8.1 since I have been replaying the game for about a month without any issues. Beside a strange workaround entailing having to download a Cache folder of the webs since the default one would log me off my account immediately with an streaming error.
However after the new patch things have changed. This could of course be some coincident and what ever broked just happened to more or less correlated with the patch.
I have now reset Cache, Interface, WTF folders but the issues persist, just as I have reinstalled the game which I would suppose rules out any corrupted files since it creates a new wine directory.
Not always but mostly can’t open bags by clicking on them. Can open with keybinding B. Just as right clicking on items in bag mostly wont work.
Can’t sell to vendors plus other similar issues, keybinding, animation getting stuck etc.
More UI related issues that randomly come and go but I’LL assume that they are all related.
There is obviously a bunch of solutions coming up when googling issues like this but they seem to end up saying pretty much the same,reset Cache, Interface, WTF folders.
ps Also, I would say about the same time, as the other issues occurred I started experiencing shuttering but this seems to be, can’t say for sure without further testing, remedied by disabling compositing which also in my case at least seem to result in better minimum fps. Where with compositing enabled I could get raid fps as low as 10-15 which is basically unplayable.