[Solved] Shattered Heaven just crashes

Hello World,

The game Shattered Heaven just crashes as soon as I try to launch it. I tried running it with the latest version of wine and several versions of proton, nothing.
Help pretty please?

Here are the logs and stuff.

Thank you.

Have you tried running with esync/fsync/feralgamemode etc disabled?
That vulkaninfo crashes out is kinda worrying - the only thing I would suggest after that is trying a different mesa driver - you’re using a pretty bleeding edge development version (even for Arch! :slight_smile:)

I only tried out the demo, but it ran okay.

Ok, I played around with those options and nothing changed. As far as the mesa version I’m a newb to linux and don’t know enough to change it.

However on a hunch(I noticed the installed game size didn’t quite match) I booted up the crappy old windows partition I still have and installed the game under win, then booted into back into linux and simply replaced the game files in the lutris folder with the ones from the win install and now the game runs, yaay.

So I’m guessing that for some reason Lutris had an issue with the game’s installer and didn’t install it fully… :thinking:

Anyway it runs now, I’m happy, thank you for trying to help.