[SOLVED]Luna Controller with Lutris

This controller seemed to work until a couple of days ago. As far as I know there is no drift in the controller. It works fine with Steam but no longer with Lutris. Triggering a button on the controller causes the joysticks to infinitely move in one direction. Are there any options in Lutris that I can get this behavior to stop?

All Lutris does is launch a game with a runner, be it WINE, or as of 5.18, a self-updating proton.

By default Lutris configures a prefix, but other than that, it doesn’t change unless you ticked “autoconfigure joypads” in options, which tweaks the controller config in the WINE prefix a bit.

Also bear in mind - when the Steam client (and steam Input) is active, it also changes the default behaviour of controllers everywhere.

“Until a couple of days ago”…so, how long was it working for before then, and what changed?

It was working for about two weeks. Is there a way I can use a antiMicroX profile?

Sure, right click on your game and configure, click the “Advanced” slider on the top of the config panel, switch to the “system options” tab, and scroll down…there’s a panel for AntiMicroX profiles in the Input box. I’ve had weird behaviour from AntiMicroX when Steam Input is running though.

Update: I was able to get the Luna Controller running for Xanadu Next by switching the wine prefix. I think thats why it was able to behave correctly because neither lutris-fshack or lutris does not have proper controller support for it.

I would like to thank @Asaftiifm for helping me though. I wish I seen the hint sooner.