[SOLVED]All GOG Games are missing executable files

Howdy! Fresh install of Void Linux. Pretty much all of my non-Windows games install, but not my Windows ones. They would install without the exe file! I’ve hunted for the file with every method I saw online but no luck. Plus, the only way for my games to install is to use the autogenerated scripts. All the other options return that blasted 256 error code. Please help!

Launching Lutris in Debug mode should tell you where it is going wrong, also the version info etc. You should be running 5.18.

Check you’ve installed WINE pre-reqs (docs/WineDependencies.md at master · lutris/docs · GitHub) and that Lutris has fetched its default WINE runner correctly.

I should also note that I used the flatpak version. It has the 5.18 version. How would I check that Lutris fetched the default WINE runner? Should I post the output of lutris -d?

Make sure Lutris is shut down first, then a debug launch command from a terminal

flatpak run net.lutris.Lutris -d

The default WINE runner is wine-ge-8-26 and should appear as the default in global options
Three horizontal bars: ||| → Preferences → Runners → Wine → Click the folder icon to find out what versions you have installed.

Side note: I take it you mean auto generated installers for GoG? Otherwise please give us a specific example :slight_smile:

Yes, only the autogenerated installers work, nothing else. Here is the output from flatpak run net.lutris.Lutris -d

INFO 2024-12-23 19:29:16,710 [application.do_command_line:480]:Starting Lutris 0.5.18
INFO 2024-12-23 19:29:16,775 [startup.run_all_checks:120]:“card0” is NVIDIA GeForce GPU (10de:1392 1028:066a nvidia) Driver 550.135
DEBUG 2024-12-23 19:29:17,046 [xrandr.get_resolutions:91]:Retrieving resolution list
DEBUG 2024-12-23 19:29:17,068 [xrandr._get_vidmodes:18]:Retrieving 16 video modes from XrandR
DEBUG 2024-12-23 19:29:17,124 [path_cache._update_missing_games:114]:Checking for missing games
DEBUG 2024-12-23 19:29:17,173 [api.check_stale_runtime_versions:52]:Modified at Mon 23 Dec 2024 06:38:47 PM , will update after Tue 24 Dec 2024 12:38:47 AM
DEBUG 2024-12-23 19:29:17,174 [lutriswindow.create_runtime_updater_cb:1358]:Runtime up to date
ERROR 2024-12-23 19:29:17,190 [style_manager._call_cb:81]:Error reading color-scheme: g-dbus-error-quark: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.freedesktop.portal.Desktop was not provided by any .service files (2)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/app/lib/python3.11/site-packages/lutris/style_manager.py”, line 74, in _call_cb
values = obj.call_finish(result)
gi.repository.GLib.GError: g-dbus-error-quark: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.freedesktop.portal.Desktop was not provided by any .service files (2)

This was the message I got from the start.

An example game where the autogenerated scripts successfully install is Diablo 1. I cannot install the Bezebuld mod, DevilutionX, or the Tchernobog mod.

File “/app/lib/python3.11/site-packages/lutris/util/jobs.py”, line 30, in target
result = self.function(*a, **kw)

File “/app/lib/python3.11/site-packages/lutris/installer/interpreter.py”, line 325, in dispatch
return method(params)

? File “/app/lib/python3.11/site-packages/lutris/installer/commands.py”, line 200, in extract
raise ScriptingError(_(“%s does not exist”) % filespec)

lutris.installer.errors.ScriptingError: gogsetup does not exist

Error from Bezelbulb mod. I have wine-ge-8-26.

That error seems to think that it cannot find (or access) the GoG setup file for Diablo specified during the install process. The Tchernobog mod install is pretty similar and probably the same error.

The installer for DevilutionX is for Linux, but still needs to pull files out of the setup file. Does it have the same error?

For flatpak testing, I tend to copy setup files into my home directory as that’s the only thing I know flatpak can absolutely access with no issues.

Unfortunately I can’t replicate an installer issue as I don’t have D1 from GoG, only an original CD!

Yes even the DevilutionX mod says it needs the GOG setup file during the installation process.

Oh, and I am unable to select a file (the three dots) when installing/finding an exe for games.

I installed Void on a spare box. Running the default XFCE and FlatPak Lutris, I can confirm a lack of file browser dialog when clicking the browse (three dots) button during the install process.
Maybe a different graphical environment would work?

Every other Linux I have is using something more modern, but I’ll try debian/XFCE when I get some time.

Maybe a different graphical environment would work, I had a XFCE environment before and the games would still run…weirdest thing, is that I found where the exes where hidden: the C: drive within Wine. Thing is, I can’t get the exes to run. I downloaded Flatseal and enabled filesystem access. I can’t run the games for long though.

Update: I was able to run one game, Ys Oath in Felghana, by changing the wine runner to lutris-7.2.2. The game runs slowly in fullscreen. How would I change it so that the game runs in windowed mode?

Update 2: same game, changed runner to lutris-fshack. Runs faster than before, but still slow when loading big areas. Game is running in windowed virtual desktop. Any way I can get it to run faster?

The only way to get them to run “faster” is using proper drivers and hardware. A more optimised runner like Proton will also take advantage of that.

When I installed Void on my spare system, it got the nouveau driver slapped on it. Nouveau is pretty terrible for games. It is normally a Debian system, and I run Nvidia’s own driver for Debian where It gives reasonable HD performance - not bad for a decade-old graphics card.

As on Windows, most games have a windowed mode, but that won’t necessarily help any more than dropping the screen resolution.

Feel free to play with runners. The default wine-ge-8-26 should be fine for most things, and some games need old versions to run, but in general try the latest first.

I apologize for the late reply but thanks for your input! As an update…so far I have not been able to get things to change. I’m surprise this thread has that many views…maybe someone can come in and provide further input…

Update: Just now, installing by clicking on the lutris entry for a game works…at least for the installing part. Still figuring out why games are not running via proton or ge.