Solution I found for multi disc games

So I was trying to install Battlefield 1942 and was having trouble when it got to disc 2 of the setup. I was able to find a way to get disc 2 read and finish the install and figured I’d share it in case it helps anyone else.

NOTE: I’m terminal illiterate so I use GUI tools exclusively.

Step 1 : Insert or mount Disc 1
Step 2 : Add game from Lutris using the EXE option, go to the setup.exe file on the disc. Go through install as normal.
Step 3 : When install fails cancel the install, the prefix will still be created anyway.
Step 4: Go to the game in Lutris Library (Battlefield 1942 in this case), click the wine symbol and run winecfg.
Step 5: Go to drives, you’ll note that you’ll have a drive with your disc 1 mounted (it was Drive E in my case). Repeat the install process as before (run exe inside prefix for game wine options) but when it comes time to switch discs mount disc 2 and change the path to account for it (run/media/name/bf1942_2 in my case). Hit apply then return to the installer.

Hope this helps anyone that runs into the same issue