Hey All!
I’m really pulling my hair out on this one. Pocket Tanks Deluxe (one of my favorites, don’t judge!) is not running very well. I can get the game running as you can see by the image uploaded.
What I cannot do no matter what I’ve tried is get it to run fullscreen. I have tried all types of runners (listed in the screenshot), manually adding dgvoodoo, adding it through the lutris advanced menus, and various video tweaks. I cannot get it into widescreen while the winedb says it’s Platinum.
Any advice anyone can give would be appreciated. Anything other than what I have tried?
I’ve still got a soft spot for an Amiga tanks/artillery game (scorched earth, it has weird weapons and 4 players and/or bots) so no judgement here.
Seems the way it detects display size causes it to box itself in default window size.
For one session, click start and go into options. Press the fullscreen button to change to windowed mode. Then press the windowed button to change to fullscreen, and finally the desktop button to change to stretch.
Seems you have to do this every time you run it.
Probably the best way to force it would be to use gamescope (if available on your distro - advanced, system options tab.