Please Make ge-wine-3.11 Available

Is there any chance of getting Glorious Eggroll’s ge-wine-3.11 imported to Lutris?

Since there is ge-wine-3.6 I hope, that it’s not that complicated.

Greetings Kae

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@strider mentioned

We have a process were anyone can send wine source trees in a git repo and ask for a build but no one is using it…

in another thread. I have zero information about that… but there’s the line to follow.

@cxf I am not an expert in compiling Software and I am not using Arch Linux. So what Information/Data is Missing in the posted GIT-Repository?


I tried to find where those builds are located in lutris, looking at the repository but I can’t find any reference :confused:

Maybe this will help.
I needed wine-staging 2.0-rc2 for DOOM.
Lutris does not have a way to download it.
I installed playonlinux and downloaded it then copied the wine-staging folder from .playonlinux/… to .local/share/lutris/…

It worked.
Can get a copy of any wine-staging I need now.

I’m pretty sure you don’t need staging 2.0 for that game, specially a release candidate version.