Pirates of the Burning Sea

I have tried to run this game as i already have it installed on my windows 10 Hdd so i moved the folder over to my manjaro KDE 21.1.5 Hdd.

First of Lutris need to update its web page for this game as you haven’t been able to get it on steam in years. you can download it from their website Pirates of the Burning Sea

though at the moment i wont run i used Wine version lutris-fshack-6.14-4-x86_64 i’m guessing wine must be missing something

this is from the PiratesLauncher.exe.config
supportedRuntime version=“v4.0” sku=".NETFramework,Version=v4.6"/>

don’t know what else to look for to see what other issues there could be.still abit of a noob using lutris.

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this is the lutris log when i try to run it

lutris-wrapper: Pirates of the Burning Sea
Running /home/camdy/.local/share/lutris/runners/wine/lutris-ge-6.16-1-x86_64/bin/wine /mnt/scsi/Vision Online Games/Pirates of the Burning Sea/PiratesLauncher.exe
Initial process has started with pid 18542
Start monitoring process.
Monitored process exited.
Initial process has exited (return code: 13568)
All children have exited.
Exit with returncode 13568
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