Origin crash on start with DXVK enabled on Manjaro

I installed Origin using the provided Lutris installation script.
The installation worked fine and completed without any errors.

However, when I try to start Origin, it crashes instantly and displays the crash reporting window:

After I disable “Enable DXVK”, Origin seems to start and work normally.

I found a similar post on this forum, but switching to another distro is not an option for me.

I made sure I installed both vulkan-icd-loader and lib32-vulkan-icd-loader.

I am using the KDE Manjaro version, NVIDIA drivers and other packages are up-to-date.

You can find the complete Origin Debug log here: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/z5vd7dRCNH

Any ideas?

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I fixed this issue by deleting the environment variable that points to dxvk.conf under system options. Give it a try.