Open-Rails, anyone?

Anyone having success on running Open Rails on Linux?

I tried both:

  • creating a WINEPREFIX manually and installing Open Rails 1.5.1 by running its installer via Wine,
  • installing it through Lutris (“Add games” | “Install a Windows game from an executable.” and the same OR 1.5.1 installer)

In both case the application start dialogue box appears and everything works correctly (as far as I can say) in so far one remains in the dialogue. When attempting to start the actual simulation:

  • the first installation immediately returns with a message "Error: Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.Pipeline.InvalidContentException: C:\OpenRails\Content\ParticleEmitterShader.fx:89:1: E5005: Function “sincos” is not defined.

  • the second one flashes very briefly a black square and then returns to the dialogue box with no message.

A bit of context:

Linux Mint 21.3
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 3GB (with latest released NVidia driver: 535.183.01)
Wine 9.0
No DXVK in either installation
Lutris 0.5.17

Thanks for any suggestion!

You’re on the right lines (pun intended.)

Which version of WINE did you select for your runner? The default GE 8-26? Staging? Proton? Something else?
Whatever you have installed are the tools available to Lutris when you launch your game.

Edit: Your error about XNA - it is is an extension to .NET, but not all features for that will exist in WINE+Mono or Proton.

Start with a fully loaded system WINE prefix (usually WINE staging) first. Install whatever .NET the game needs and maybe XNA 4 using winetricks, add in DXVK or whatever it needs for graphics support. If that runs as expected, add that into Lutris. You can easily test the other runners and always switch back to system WINE if no joy.

Edit2: Tested just now - installed .NET 472, XNA4 and DXVK into a 64 bit prefix, runs okay under system WINE (staging 9.12). Added it into Lutris, re-tested with the system runner, then switched to Proton Experimental - comes up with an error, although it still launches okay, and runs the Demo Content 1 - somewhat ironically applied for a job at Edinburgh/waverley on Monday.

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Thanks for the reply. I am very late, but right after the OP I have a disk crash and for some days I had other priorities…!

At last I had time to deal with games, re-created a Wine prefix (with the ‘usual’ (for me!) winetricks extensions, namely corefonts d3dcompiler_43 dotnet472 dxvk vcrun2019 xna40, installed the Open Rails setup exe in it and it works.

Apparently in my previous installation, I cut to many corners… ;(

Thanks for reminding me of the basic, apologies for the noise.