No Man's Sky not installing

I just set up Linux Mint and I am trying to play No Man’s Sky. I see the game in the library, I right click and hit install and it completes in just a few seconds, so it appears that the game isn’t actually being downloaded. Clicking play does not do anything. Here are the logs

Started initial process 141 from /usr/bin/xdg-open steam://rungameid/275850
Start monitoring process.
Monitored process exited.
Initial process has exited (return code: 0)
All processes have quit
Exit with return code 0

I don’t have this game but couldn’t you ask for reimbusement of this Steam game and buy on Gog (Good Old Games) instead? I try to avoid steam if not forced to buy there.

Gog games are DRM FREE and you can have backups instead to have a service stalking you, logs whatever **** you do and requires you to download heavy wrappers, gives you overlays causing bugs and asks you to have live online connection. Gog fixes also some technical bugs so games are better playable.
I’m not affiliated with Gog, but definitely prefer that service.

My issue actually happens with every single game I try to install. I did manage to solve one problem, and it was the fact that I didn’t have compatibility mode in steam turned on. I can now install and play games in steam, but Lutris doesn’t seem to do anything.

Good call on GOG though, I need to try and use a different platform.