Master levels for doom

erreur sur une librairie qu’il ne trouve pas

hibon@hibon-MS-7B17:~$ lutris
2022-08-15 17:07:14,491: Starting Lutris 0.5.11
2022-08-15 17:07:14,581: Using NVIDIA drivers 515.65.01 for x86_64
2022-08-15 17:07:14,581: GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660
2022-08-15 17:07:14,581: GPU: 10DE:2184 1458:3FC8 (nvidia drivers)
2022-08-15 17:07:14,712: Startup complete
2022-08-15 17:07:21,729: Antimicrox is not installed.
Started initial process 117905 from gamemoderun /home/hibon/.local/share/lutris/runners/zdoom/gzdoom -config /home/hibon/Games/master-levels-for-doom-ii/gzdoom.ini -savedir /home/hibon/Games/master-levels-for-doom-ii/saves -iwad /home/hibon/Games/master-levels-for-doom-ii/ZDMASLEV.ipk3 -file master_levels_wads.pk3 mods/brightmaps.pk3 mods/DHTP-2019_11_17.pk3 mods/HRRP.pk3 mods/JFO_D2.pk3 mods/lights.pk3 mods/NeuralUpscale2x_v0.95.pk3 mods/R_Hud_Stuff_v1.pk3 mods/zd_extra.pk3
Start monitoring process.
/home/hibon/.local/share/lutris/runners/zdoom/gzdoom: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Monitored process exited.
Initial process has exited (return code: 32512)
All processes have quit
Exit with return code 32512
2022-08-15 17:07:23,738: Game still running (state: running)
2022-08-15 17:07:23,738: Stopping Master Levels for DOOM II (zdoom)
2022-08-15 17:07:23,739: The game has run for a very short time, did it crash?
2022-08-15 17:07:23,790: Switching resolution of HDMI-0 to 1920x1080

Apparement tous les jeux a base de gzdoom font la même erreur (erreur lors du chargement des bibliothèques partagées : )

Any luck fixing this error?

To fix this error, install zmusic. I don’t know your distro, but it’s often not provided. You may have to compile it. It’s a game specific library, really, but it’s provided standalone so it can be used by other projects.

You may be able to find packages for your distro, I can’t guess. Arch provides it, but I don’t think *buntu distros do.

J’ai téléchargé ZMusic, mais je ne sais pas quoi en faire.
Ni comment le compiler.
Toutes aides sera la bienvenue.

I am looking at this for you, it looks pretty straight forward. It’s configured with Cmake.

Download the tarball (it’s actually a git tag release snapshot)

Unpack it and cd into the directory. From within the Zmusic-1.1.3 directory,

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../ -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig

I compiled it to test but didn’t install it (I don’t have GZDOOM or any other use for it)

I don’t know your distro. I don’t know if you have compilers and toolchains installed.

(on Ubuntu a good place to start would be “sudo apt install build-essential”)

I don’t know if you have dev/devel packages installed with includes for compiling/linking against.

I don’t know if your distro sets up /usr/local as a system directory. (you can change the install prefix to /usr if you wish)

Add /usr/local/lib to your /etc/ file (or equivalent in if the system doesn’t find libraries in /usr/local.

P.S. You also might just be able to take that library and copy it to the game program directory. I don’t know for sure if it’ll search there though.

They are versioned libraries with symlinks, but you can rename to if copying it to the game directory (or create the symlink appropriately)

J’ai eu comme qui dirait un problème avec tes instructions (elle on fonctionnées à merveille) mais la suite est moins marrante.
Crash de mon système avec erreurs en pagaille.
Donc retour a la case départ.

I had a problem with your instructions (it worked wonderfully) but the rest is less fun.
My system crashed with errors galore.
So back to square one.

Bon je me répond a moi même alors voila j’ai installé gzdoom 4.9 en deb puis dans lutris dans les options du jeux cliquer sur option de l’exécuteur, cliquer en haut a droite sur advanced et vous verrez une option:
Exécutable personnalisé pour l’exécuteur. Cliquer sur Parcourir et aller dans /opt/gzdoom/gzdoom.
Voila ça marche mais il faut être patient.
Si quelqu’un a une autre solution je suis preneur (car ça ne marche pas a tous les coups)

Well I answer myself so here I installed gzdoom 4.9 in deb then in lutris in the game options click on executor option, click at the top right on advanced and you will see an option:
Custom executable for the executor. Click on Browse and go to /opt/gzdoom/gzdoom.
It works, but you have to be patient.
If anyone has another solution, I’m a taker (because it doesn’t always work)

This bug is fixed, we just updated GZDoom Lutris runner.
Reinstall the runner to use the new version.

Merci beaucoup je vais essayer cela