Lutris wont start acer chromebook r11

I have spent countless hours installing lutris and wine for Lutris not to open and when I click on instal On ANY game on the lutris website it says CHROME OS CANT OPEN THIS PAGE, no option to open with lutris or wine, so take down that stupid WORKS ON ANY LINUX or help me because this support team OWES ME a some frigging help, this is riduclous and IM PISSED

Just set it up myself, I hadn’t installed python or wine properly so the program would not start.

type lutris into terminal and see what the output is, if you have the same issue it will have an error about dbus not being found.

For your other ‘question’ use the add to library option. Chrome on your Chromebook is a separate area to where linux and lutris is installed. Use the library and library sync in lutris to get programs.

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