Lutris Package not found

I’m having an issue on 2 different PC’s
both linux mint, but 19.04 & 20
Here is the pastebin of the error i currently get on 19.04
Also, Im using wine 5.0 if that matters.

Did you do an apt-get update after adding the PPA?

I did. I had it installed previously.
Also, I should have posted this now when it calls for the PPA

E: Repository ' bionic InRelease' changed its 'Label' value from 'lutris' to 'Lutris stable'
N: This must be accepted explicitly before updates for this repository can be applied. See apt-secure(8) manpage for details.

An apt-get update --allow-releaseinfo-change should fix that.


I got this below, but I tried to install anyway and it worked.
N: Repository ' bionic InRelease' changed its 'Label' value from 'lutris' to 'Lutris stable'

Thank you!

Same problem for me, this worked perfectly! Thank you!