Lutris not removing games correctly

So I know there are many issues with Lutris uninstalling, but this is not something I found any info online (and never heard of something like this happening before, tbh).

I keep running out of hard disk. This has been going on for months. After removing today some games to update my system, I found I had not freed any space after all, but the games where gone from Lutris library.
So I had this happened before (Lutris didn’t actually remove the files, only the database entry) and went into the installed games folder. But this time, the game data folder was gone!

So I tried removing another game from lutris, and I could see how the game folder dissapeared, but I didn’t get my hard disk space back. Checked with df, and nothing.

I can only remove games from lutris by manually deleting the data folder and then remove them from the Launcher, but I don’t understand what Lutris is doing. How it is possible to have the files gone for good and the space not being freed?

Many distros now use a recycle bin, a la Windows.
Lutris puts stuff there if it can - check that first :slight_smile:

Ah, forgot to specify: I use Gentoo, and i3. This time I am on KDE/plasma 4. I checked the bin, and sure enough the files where there. I don’t know what to say: I don’t use the bin since the Windows 98 era, so wasn’t expecting to find them there. At least now I know I am not turning crazy!

I really think that a mildly annoying popup telling the files have been moving to the bin would be nice, after all, usually people remove files for need, not pleasure.

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Lutris does say “moving to trash” for me - if you’re using a different language and that isn’t clear, then a GitHub request might be in order.

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