League Of Legends Wont Start

Hi, i just installed manjaro, fresh install and installed my nvidia drivers (bumblebee) and also lutris and wine.
Went to lutris’s website clicked on league, installed
I saw a lot of error while it was “installing”
i started it up and got this:

Running /home/dimas/Games/league-of-legends/wine-staging-i386_lol-patched_x86_64-bionic.AppImage wine /home/dimas/.wine-appimage-lol/drive_c/Riot Games/League of Legends/LeagueClient.exe
info: Game: LeagueClient.exe
info: DXVK: d9vk-0.12
warn: OpenVR: Failed to locate module
ERROR: ld.so: object ‘/tmp/.mount_wine-s5Qwwb6/bin/libhookexecv.so’ from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32): ignored.
info: Enabled instance extensions:
info: VK_KHR_get_physical_device_properties2
info: VK_KHR_surface
info: VK_KHR_win32_surface
Xlib: extension “NV-GLX” missing on display “:0.0”.
004b:err:vulkan:wine_vk_instance_load_physical_devices Failed to enumerate physical devices, res=-3
004b:err:vulkan:wine_vkCreateInstance Failed to load physical devices, res=-3
terminate called after throwing an instance of ‘dxvk::DxvkError’
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Application Version: - CL:2820509 - Build Date:Jul 15 2019 - Build Time:17:46:40
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Direct Launch not configured for league_of_legends.live in environment ‘’
LeagueClient.exe(0000002E): ALWAYS| Tracing worker thread running.
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Running LeagueClient version
LeagueClient.exe(0000002E): ALWAYS| Keeping up to 10 tracing logs.
LeagueClient.exe(0000002E): ALWAYS| Tracing CompactJsonWriter at C:/Riot Games/League of Legends/Logs/LeagueClient Logs/2019-07-16T14-21-17_8_LeagueClient-tracing.json
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Phase Begin - Init
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Plugin Manager| Loaded plugin manifest file plugin-manifest.json.
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Begin Launch Ux Process
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| End Launch Ux Process
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Plugin Manager| Mounted all WadFiles in 4.112 milliseconds.
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Plugin Manager| Loaded all plugins in 63.319 milliseconds. All warming in 0.000 milliseconds. All loading in 39.962 milliseconds.
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Phase Begin - Initializing plugins
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Plugin Manager| Initializing plugin rcp-be-client-config: 1.6.0
LeagueClient.exe(0000003A): WARN| rcp-be-client-config| URL not available from ‘/data-store/v1/system-settings/region_data/EUW/servers/client_config/client_config_url’. Service will be disabled.
LeagueClient.exe(0000003A): WARN| rcp-be-client-config| Unsupported region ‘EUW’.
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Plugin Manager| Initializing plugin rcp-be-lol-rso-auth: 1.8.23
LeagueClient.exe(0000003B): ALWAYS| rcp-be-lol-rso-auth| RSOClient::SetRSOConfig url: https://auth.riotgames.com/token, clientId: lol, scopes: openid offline_access lol ban profile email phone
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Plugin Manager| Initializing plugin rcp-be-lol-patch: 1.5.96
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Plugin Manager| Initializing plugin rcp-be-patcher: 1.20.35
LeagueClient.exe(0000003B): ALWAYS| rcp-be-lol-rso-auth| rso-auth: OpenID configuration fetch succeeded after 1 tries
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| The following message is prepared to be sent to dradis:
Event Name: riot__rclient__rads__patcher_operation
common.os_platform: Windows
common.application_name: LeagueClient
common.client_id: lol
common.installation_id: 6xs0GA==
common.locale: en_GB
common.machine_id: BbGV+n6qKkqEx2Mo25CMYg==
common.os_version_major: 7
common.os_edition: Ultimate N, x86
common.os_version_minor: Service Pack 1
common.region: EUW
common.session_id: d511b302-3887-a046-b730-ccdd4c68f8f4
initial_check: true
cdn: akamai
success: success
operation_type: check
patchline: live-euw-win
patcher: chunking
published_at: 2019-07-02T20:30:54.265000
version: 39
url: https://lol.secure.dyn.riotcdn.net/channels/public/live-euw-win.json
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Queued Dradis event to be sent.
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Plugin Manager| Initializing plugin rcp-be-riot-messaging-service: 1.3.10
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Plugin Manager| Initializing plugin rcp-be-entitlements: 0.0.28
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Plugin Manager| Initializing plugin rcp-be-lol-bootstrap: 1.0.20
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Phase End - Initializing plugins - duration was 418.27ms
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Foundation is now running.
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Phase End - Init - duration was 730.60ms
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Phase Begin - MainLoop
Waiting on children
Waiting on children
2019-07-16 14:21:19,472: Unable to read stat for process 7316
2019-07-16 14:21:19,473: Unable to read stat for process 7316
Waiting on children
2019-07-16 14:21:20,483: Unable to read stat for process 7267
2019-07-16 14:21:20,483: Unable to read stat for process 7267
Waiting on children
2019-07-16 14:21:22,589: Unable to read stat for process 7264
2019-07-16 14:21:22,589: Unable to read stat for process 7264
2019-07-16 14:21:22,590: Unable to read stat for process 7283
2019-07-16 14:21:22,590: Unable to read stat for process 7283
Waiting on children
2019-07-16 14:21:22,603: Unable to read stat for process 7275
2019-07-16 14:21:22,604: Unable to read stat for process 7275
Waiting on children
2019-07-16 14:21:22,613: Unable to read stat for process 7260
2019-07-16 14:21:22,614: Unable to read stat for process 7260
Waiting on children
2019-07-16 14:21:22,684: Unable to read stat for process 7251
2019-07-16 14:21:22,685: Unable to read stat for process 7251
Waiting on children
2019-07-16 14:21:22,713: Unable to read stat for process 7223
2019-07-16 14:21:22,713: Unable to read stat for process 7223
2019-07-16 14:21:22,714: Unable to read stat for process 7358
2019-07-16 14:21:22,714: Unable to read stat for process 7358
All children gone
Exit with returncode 0

can someone help me Run League on my computer?
i’d prefer the vertion that can give me the best performance thanks!