League of Legends critical error

Hi guys , I need your help. League of legends is installing it starts running but evri time i whant to jump in a match i get “Critical Error” .
I have installed all the dependencies possible and i am using lutris-ge-lol-7.0.2
I use Pop OS 22.04

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Hi! I installed league last night and had the same error and I did some poking around and found that if you start Lutris from the console using this command it works with no issues: sudo sh -c ‘sysctl -w abi.vsyscall32=0’ && lutris

Hope this helps!

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Thank you for answering my question , but all i get from this is " ‘sysctl: not found
" . Any ideea?

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I executed it with sudo sysctl -w abi.vsyscall32=0 && lutris and it worked on Manjaro

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This one (sysctl -w abi.vsyscall32=0 && lutris) workt thank you so much!

Little followup on this one:

on Arch the file for the variable abi.vsyscall32=0 is either:

add the variable and reload with:
sudo sysctl -p