League of Legends camera move dont work

I use app image on this game. Game work, but camera dont move when i move my mouse to the border of screen. I try change many options in game nothing works, then i try change full screen mode change to winodw mode and then start works camera move, but i see top and bot off my desktop screen… Is any possible options to play in full screen mode with work camera move “i dont know play with camera lock mode - this mode works”? Thanks for answers.

The camera is locked by default. You can click and drag on the minimap (left click) to unlock it or click on the camera button beside it.

Feels like the same issue as yours: https://gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/232583/camera-locks-and-cant-be-unlocked

I know and i write it. When i unlock the camera, then camera dont move, stay on same place. I use mouse and move it to the border of screen to move camera but dont work, i must clik on minimapa to move “change” camera wiev in full screen mode. When i chnage it to window mode camera start work when i use mouse, but i see on top and bot of my destop screen…

My lol works on all settings default, using the d9vk appimage. What I can imagine is that your Desktop Environment or Window Manager is interfering with those settings.

There may be some incompatibility with whatever operational system you are using.

I use linux mint 18.3 Cinnamon 64-bit with nvidia GT640, intel processor and lutris version. I dont try d9vk app image.

I play 3-4 games and then stop move in window mode, after this problem i try install d9vk app image and the game dont run, i try to install previously version but still dont work. I update lutris to and install lol is not worrks, i reinstall lutris to older version and the lol is installed but dont run. This is the log…
Running /home/doma/Games/league-of-legends/wine-staging-i386_lol-patched_x86_64-bionic.AppImage wine /home/doma/.wine-appimage-lol/drive_c/Riot Games/League of Legends/LeagueClient.exe
info: Game: LeagueClient.exe
info: DXVK: d9vk-0.12
warn: OpenVR: Failed to locate module
info: Required Vulkan extension VK_KHR_get_physical_device_properties2 not supported
info: Required Vulkan extension VK_KHR_surface not supported
info: Required Vulkan extension VK_KHR_win32_surface not supported
terminate called after throwing an instance of ‘dxvk::DxvkError’
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Application Version: - CL:2805558 - Build Date:Jul 01 2019 - Build Time:23:14:14
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Direct Launch not configured for league_of_legends. in environment ‘’
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Running LeagueClient version
LeagueClient.exe(0000002F): ALWAYS| Tracing worker thread running.
LeagueClient.exe(0000002F): ALWAYS| Keeping up to 10 tracing logs.
LeagueClient.exe(0000002F): ALWAYS| Tracing CompactJsonWriter at C:/Riot Games/League of Legends/Logs/LeagueClient Logs/2019-07-04T18-08-31_8_LeagueClient-tracing.json
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Phase Begin - Init
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Plugin Manager| Loaded plugin manifest file plugin-manifest.json.
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Begin Launch Ux Process
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| End Launch Ux Process
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Plugin Manager| Mounted all WadFiles in 9.449 milliseconds.
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Plugin Manager| Loaded all plugins in 80.491 milliseconds. All warming in 0.000 milliseconds. All loading in 53.535 milliseconds.
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Phase Begin - Initializing plugins
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Plugin Manager| Initializing plugin rcp-be-client-config: 1.5.1
LeagueClient.exe(0000003C): WARN| rcp-be-client-config| URL not available from ‘/data-store/v1/system-settings/region_data/EUNE/servers/client_config/client_config_url’. Service will be disabled.
LeagueClient.exe(0000003C): WARN| rcp-be-client-config| Unsupported region ‘EUNE’.
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Plugin Manager| Initializing plugin rcp-be-lol-rso-auth: 1.8.22
LeagueClient.exe(0000003D): ALWAYS| rcp-be-lol-rso-auth| RSOClient::SetRSOConfig url: https://auth.riotgames.com/token, clientId: lol, scopes: openid offline_access lol ban profile email phone
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Plugin Manager| Initializing plugin rcp-be-lol-patch: 1.5.96
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Plugin Manager| Initializing plugin rcp-be-patcher: 1.20.35
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| The following message is prepared to be sent to dradis:
Event Name: riot__rclient__rads__patcher_operation
common.os_platform: Windows
common.application_name: LeagueClient
common.installation_id: nUCWTQ==
common.locale: en_US
common.machine_id: QSJ8r9P9NkiB6G5Z5sdQEg==
common.os_version_major: 7
common.os_version_minor: Service Pack 1
common.os_edition: Ultimate N, x86
common.region: EUNE
common.session_id: a195f62a-fe05-d04b-a330-dad360b96bde
initial_check: true
cdn: akamai
success: success
operation_type: check
patchline: live-eune-win
patcher: chunking
published_at: 2019-07-02T20:30:47.929000
version: 38
url: https://lol.secure.dyn.riotcdn.net/channels/public/live-eune-win.json
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Queued Dradis event to be sent.
LeagueClient.exe(0000003D): ALWAYS| rcp-be-lol-rso-auth| rso-auth: OpenID configuration fetch succeeded after 1 tries
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Plugin Manager| Initializing plugin rcp-be-riot-messaging-service: 1.3.10
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Plugin Manager| Initializing plugin rcp-be-entitlements: 0.0.28
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Plugin Manager| Initializing plugin rcp-be-lol-bootstrap: 1.0.20
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Phase End - Initializing plugins - duration was 370.38ms
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Foundation is now running.
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Phase End - Init - duration was 656.94ms
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Phase Begin - MainLoop
Waiting on children
Waiting on children
ERROR: ld.so: object ‘/tmp/.mount_wine-soPLb9p/bin/libhookexecv.so’ from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32): ignored.
Waiting on children
Waiting on children
Waiting on children
Waiting on children
Waiting on children
Waiting on children
All children gone
Exit with returncode 0

when you reinstall, you have to remove this folder which may not be removed when you uninstall a version.

There’s a chance your computer does not support DXVK. OR you don’t have mesa-vulkan-drivers:i386 or libvulkan1:i386 installed to use it.

Thanks, i delete this folder and now game works but camera dont work.
I try use fullscreen mode, camera dont move, then i try window mode and the same result, camera dont move, its work only when i use lock mode camera…