Issue running PCSX2 (flatpak) with Vulkan enabled

So, I am having an issue here trying to run PCSX2 (flatpak) with Vulkan set as my default renderer.

I run the flatpak version of PCSX2 like this for example:




run net.pcsx2.PCSX2 “/home/USER/PS2 Games/TUROK_EVOLUTION.ISO” --cfgpath="/home/USER/PS2 Games/configs/PCSX2 - Turok" --fullscreen

And this is the issue I experience with PCSX2 according to the program log:

Vulkan: Missing required extension VK_KHR_surface.
Failed to load Vulkan instance functions
Failed to create Vulkan context
Vulkan: Failed to load required instance function vkGetDeviceProcAddr
Vulkan: Failed to load required instance function vkEnumeratePhysicalDevices
Vulkan: Failed to load required instance function vkGetPhysicalDeviceFeatures
Vulkan: Failed to load required instance function vkGetPhysicalDeviceFormatProperties
Vulkan: Failed to load required instance function vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties
Vulkan: Failed to load required instance function vkGetPhysicalDeviceProperties
Vulkan: Failed to load required instance function vkGetPhysicalDeviceQueueFamilyProperties
Vulkan: Failed to load required instance function vkGetPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties
Vulkan: Failed to load required instance function vkCreateDevice
Vulkan: Failed to load required instance function vkEnumerateDeviceExtensionProperties
Vulkan: Failed to load required instance function vkEnumerateDeviceLayerProperties
Vulkan: Failed to load required instance function vkGetPhysicalDeviceSparseImageFormatProperties
Vulkan: Failed to load required instance function vkGetPhysicalDeviceFeatures2
Vulkan: Failed to load required instance function vkGetPhysicalDeviceProperties2
Vulkan: Failed to load required instance function vkGetPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties2
Failed to acquire host display
GS failed to open.

But if I run the command in the terminal like so:

/usr/bin/flatpak run net.pcsx2.PCSX2 “/home/USER/PS2 Games/TUROK_EVOLUTION.ISO” --cfgpath="/home/USER/PS2 Games/configs/PCSX2 - Turok" --fullscreen

Then it works completely fine. Is there something to set in Lutris to fix this? Is this related to the ICD loader? If so, is there a way to disable it?