So i have 2 EA accounts and wants to use, and see all games from both the accounts. But i can’t find any info if i could have 2 instances of EA App at the same time. Does anyone know if this is possible?
Only one will integrate with Lutris as a source. Games from the second copy will not appear in the list, you will have to launch the client.
Since Lutris creates a full prefix for the EA client, you can create a duplicate of that prefix, add it as a separate “game” (with similar settings to the source except path, obviously,) run it, and just login with the second account.
Welll… it would technically be possible to duplicate the python code as well to add a second “EA app” that does integrate, but unless you want to maintain that yourself, then, no.
Edit: Hacky, but it works
It was just for fun, and this was just a test. It requires you to duplicate almost everything, working around sourcing the client, putting new database entries in correctly and tagging the games against that separate instance so they don’t get mixed. As I said, “hacky”.
Feel free to have a go yourself, but PLEASE backup your .local/share/lutris (especially pga.db) and .cache/lutris (and .config/lutris if you have it) first.