I am having this issue on Steam, not Lutris, but when I post this issue on Steam, only Windows users seem to be there, and noone offers any help.
I have an AMD Radeon 6750 on my desktop, and this game works perfectly well in both Windows, and Fedora Linux. On my laptop, which has a mobile Nvidia 3050, the game runs perfectly well in Windows, but in Fedora it will launch to the main menu, but when I select Continue, or New game, it will crash to desktop when the game is loading. I have tried both Proton-Experimental, GE-Proton9-11, Proton 9.0-2 all do the same thing. Also I saw a report under Proton that there is a log file somewhere that should tell me why it is crashing, but I can’t find where the game is saved. I tried looking in .local/share/flatpak/ and also another location that I can’t remember. Can’t find where steam or any steam games are stored. Isn’t there a way to search my directories for files or keywords in fedora?
yes the game works in Windows, and I can just boot out of Fedora into Windows, to play, but I don’t like running Windows for anything anymore.
Also I think I have the Nvidia drivers installed correctly, other games I try playing all work well. And the command the nvidia driver walkthru told me to run said that the drivers were now installed… but who is to say.
and note, I did read your “Read me first” but that was talking about lutris logs and lutris commands to run. This issue is in Steam. So I didn’t include any of that, because this issue is in steam. I don’t know where else to post this issue and to find help. When I go to Steam forums all I get is people telling me what to do in Windows… even thou my issue is in Fedora.
When I launch steam games using PROTON_LOG=1 %command%
This appears in my home directory, e.g. For No Man’s Sky: steam-306130.log
Edit: I notice you mention flatpak. Flatpak is a sandbox app, so its config will vary.
If you are running steam (and games) in flatpak, then it might not be able to write files as “normal.” There’s a variable that tells Proton where to log - set it in the launch options to the root of your steam library or something.
Google some flatpak instructions, but essentially flatpak list and flatpak enter <something.app.id> <command> where you can ls and cat files in the flatpak.
Side question, I am also running Lutris RPM, but I am using Heroic Flatpak. I have been running most of my GOG and Epic games in Heroic, and my EA and Ubisoft games in Lutris. Is running these games off of a Flatpak launcher bad? Cause it sandboxes the games? If there is a good article explaining this… The Epic and GOG games have been working very well in Heroic, so didn’t think much about the differences.
Got me on a dive into this topic… seems if the games work, its all good. So I guess as long as all the games are running in Heroic as a flatpak its all good. Back to original topic… why can’t I find a log.
Yep, that’s the correct launch option to generate Proton logs as far as I know - every game I do that to (assuming it is a Proton launched game ) gives me a steam-1234567.log in my home directory.
Only other is that I’ve forced “Proton - Experimental” for everything as it tends to just work, and I had a lot of bleeding edge games at one point.
That said, I’m not running Fedora, so there will be differences. IIRC Fedora now turns on selinux by default nowadays. Not a bad thing, but it has been known to cause problems.
Okay - sandboxes/containers are not bad, just need to be aware of what they do and where your files actually are when you go digging for them
Makes sense - GE (Glorious Eggroll) Proton may use different options, but works for the Steam one
I have to suggest - have you have checked ProtonDB, the Steam community games database? You might find something there, or maybe some options to try if your game exhibits similar behaviour.
I tried going thru the ProtonDB reports, did see one report that sounded like my results, but it was with an AMD graphics card, and my issue is with an Nvidia graphics card, where my computer with the AMD card works perfectly fine. He had said he figured out the problem with the log, but I can’t make sense of the log. He had deleted one of the directories in the “Horizon Zero Dawn” directory. At the time, I couldn’t find the dir where the game was stored. Now that I have found it, will have to look again to see which one he deleted, or if that is a fix I can try. Been using Linux on one laptop for a while, but only been using it as my daily driver for about 1 month… So still somewhat new. Is there anywhere to decrypt the log into english? (yes I know it is english, but makes little sense to me.)
Ok here is what I found…
Every game launch aborted automatically, OSError: [Errno 39] Directory not empty: '/var/home/[username]/.var/app/com.valvesoftware.Steam/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/1151640/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/My Documents' -> '/var/home/[username]/.var/app/com.valvesoftware.Steam/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/1151640/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/My Documents BACKUP' appeared in logs - removed the old BACKUP directory. Now launches smoothly
not sure if this one is related. When I search for this Backup directory it’s not there… so don’t think this is my issue.