Gog installers: Ignore system locale, choose download language?

I’ve been fighting a bit with lutris to install the english version of warcraft 2 when my system’s locale is French. It kept downloading the French version.
I did not find any options to choose a download language in the app itself, so I had to literally modify gog.py, in the function “def determine_language_installer” by replacing “language = i18n.get_lang()” with “language = “en””.

Given my tendency to solve the simplest problems in the most convoluted manner, is there a less hacky way to do this?

You’re right - the localized language selection is intentional.

Since it uses the Python locale function to grab it from your user session, LANG=en_US.UTF-8 lutris -d should work for those odd instances where the GoG installer is also localized.

Worth a post on GitHub if it is causing problems.

OK. Thanks.