Front Mission 2... the units don't blow up

This has become a very troublesome issue. The game is basically cheating when I destroy certain units… they just don’t blow up. They technically die, but then they just stand there and never blow up on the larger map. The game pauses and slows and the unit just never finishes blowing up. This is especially problematic in the arena (in team mode) where I cannot win when I destroy the general, because even after I destroy his unit, it still does not blow up. So I can never win. It will register the unit that should have blown up like it would still be attackable, but it doesn’t let me attack it.

If this happens during a battle, then I don’t get credited/paid for the destruction of that unit.

And it just keeps happening… and it’s very annoying. The game just glitches when I destroy certain units, and especially seems to do this with the first unit I destroy during any fight.